Is the article published (and saved after being published)? I've been burned by incorrect permalinks before an article is published.
Yes, one of those gotchas. After publishing the link is still incorrect. Also the FURL settings work fine on the rest of the site. Any other ideas?
Articles has its own (very difficult to find) setting for what the links will look like.
Manage Articles -> Advanced Settings tab -> General -> Articles URL Format (at the bottom).
Had seen that setting, but did an edit to just use %alias/ and created a new article. In view the alias link works. Now, when I change the setting back to %Y/%m/%d/%alias/ the alias link also works..
In editing the article after a first save, the Alias field is populated, but when I hover over the field, it shows it is 'undefined'.. likely a front end issue.
A side note: do you have the articles in the main Manage menu? I don't have that.
No I don't Articles in the main Manager menu.