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    I try to list documents as news on my client site, but i have a problem with &orderBy option.
    Look on my code below

    [!Ditto? &parents=`6` &hideFolders='1' &depth='2' &display=`2` &tpl=`news` &dateSource=`pub_date` &dateFormat=`<span>%d-%m</span><span class="year">%Y</span>` &orderBy=`createdon DESC, pub_date DESC` &showInMenuOnly=`1`!]

    I have some document with "Published Date" insert by myself manualy, instead new documents i create have "pub_date" attribute blank and list after this one with "Published Date" who has value.
    Second option createdOn list newest documents as first and skips checking pub_date value.

    Please help, and sorry for my english wink