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    • 51020
    • 670 Posts
    HI all,

    I ave a site which will haev a number of PDF download documents.
    I thought I could use pthumb to create the thumbnails, but I cannot get it to work.

    The PDF comes from a file upload TV called *PDF
    when i add [[*PDF]] to my page, it shows me the path of the uploaded file so I know that part of it is working.

    This is the code I'm using:

    <img src="[[pthumb? &input=[[*PDF]]&options=&w=150&h=175&f=png&sfn=1]]">

    When I inspect the browser, it's outputting the path to the PDF, rather than a png.

    Here's what the inspector shows:
    <img src="assets/files/filename.pdf">

    I'm using latest version of Revo

    What am I doing wrong here?

    Thanks in advance!

    This question has been answered by tm2000. See the first response.

    [ed. note: tm2000 last edited this post 6 years, 6 months ago.]
    • discuss.answer
      • 51020
      • 670 Posts
      I have solved my own problem by further scouring the forum - Didn't find it fist time round!

      It was 'resizer' that was causing issues - so I added: &useResizer=`0`

      <img src="[[pthumb? &input=[[*PDF]]&options=&w=150&h=175&f=png&sfn=1&useResizer=`0`]]">

      And hey presto it works!
