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    • 33238
    • 388 Posts
    Hello, I have this MigX call that change the tpl depending on a field value (MIGX_formname) inside the migXExample TV.


    It's possible to create a conditional with the @FIELD:MIGX_formname result?

    Something like:


    Thank you!

    This question has been answered by Ysanmiguel. See the first response.

    [ed. note: Ysanmiguel last edited this post 6 years, 7 months ago.]
    • discuss.answer
      • 33238
      • 388 Posts
      Well I found a solution, create a string with the values on MIGX_formname field, then find the values in the string:


      I'm using getCache so it is something like this:

      &tpl=`MIGX_formname` only contains the field that I need to check:

      that is it, let me know if there is something to correct.
