[[Wayfinder? &startId=`[[*parent]]` &rowTpl=`leftMenuRowTpl` &level=`1` &ignoreHidden=`0` ]]
excellent, thank you!
Still trying to figure this out.
After years of etomite i have finally given in to modx...
Coming back to this question: my site structure has 3 levels, parent, children, grand-children
The above solution works well for the grand-children, but it will show the siblings of the children if a child page is open. It should also show the grand-children in this case.
Is there a way to have the menu always show the grand-children or can this only be done with different templates for child and grand-child pages?
I have tried with ultimateparent ([!Wayfinder? &startID=`[[UltimateParent? &topLevel=`2`]]`!]), but this does not seem to work on the lowest level pages
[ed. note: vampke last edited this post 7 years, 3 months ago.]