I'm a user of AjaxSearch and like it as it is highly customizable.
I'm looking for a similar search engine, but for a website that uses tables other than MODx ones.
The search must be performed in fields which values store a unique alphanumeric string.
So, there is no need for the search engine to parse the text, nor to build an index.
Hence, I'm not looking for a search engine that was designed for usual CMS systems and oriented to parsing and indexing content.
The search must be performed on several tables and on specific columns.
Depending on which table and field each match belongs to, the generated link must point to different kind of pages, i.e. there must be some programmable way to generate the URLs dynamically. Such preferences should be stored in some configuration file or equivalent.
If the tool is also able to merge the results in case of several matches (something like "SELECT DISTINCT ...") it would be very nice.
The search engine must be installable on a shared hosting supporting PHP.
Any recommendation ?
Thanks you very much.