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    • 26761
    • 3 Posts
    I’m trying for days to get a proper output from a nested migx-call. I’m hoping someone could me point to the right direction. My main problem is the imageplus integration. If a modal-window is filled and saved back to the resource, I notice that in the internal json the string of "list_grid_inner_field" is empty. Why?

    Step by step:
    in the template i have

    in the content-field of a resource i call a separate migx-row with for example

    the template "List_Grid" looks like this

    Template "list_grid__inner"

    Template "multi__picture_gallery"
    <img src="[[+source.src:pthumb=`[[+crop.options]]&w=200`]]">

    The interesting point, if I change the "list_grid__inner" to a easy <section>[[+image5]]</section> it gives me the proper json-string. This would stored correctly in the MIGX-table. But everything I try to get the cropped image with the imageplus-Snippet, it crashes the MIGX-table. I couldn’t save and have to reload the resource. I couldn’t locate the error. And I’m struggling between: imageplus, Migx and the pthumb-cache.

    If instead Imageplus a simple image inputTVtype is used, everything is fine. Here I could use pthumb as output-modifier and so on. But my client ask me to install an image-cropper instead. So I think my problem is anywhere between Imageplus and MIGX. But where exactly?

    My MIGX configuration looks a bit more complex:

        "migx_add":"Add new table",

              "description":"activate or deactivate this table",
          "caption":"global Layout-Settings",
              "caption":"Headline + Class",
              "inputOptionValues":"don\u2019t show Headline||Headline 1||Headline 2||Headline 2 alternativ||Headline 3||Paragraph",
              "default":"don\u2019t show Headline",
              "caption":"Width relation",
              "description":"Image | Text (in percent)",
              "inputOptionValues":"0 | 100||10 | 90||20 | 80||30 | 70||40 | 60||50 | 50||60 | 40||70 | 30||80 | 20||90 | 10||100 | 0",
              "default":"50 | 50",
              "description":"change the position of image and text",
              "caption":"global Settings: Background",
              "description":"color, odd\/even, begin with, image overlay",
              "inputOptionValues":"COLOR \u2013\u2013\u2013||lightgreen||lightblue||lightgray",
              "default":"COLOR \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "inputOptionValues":"ODD\/EVEN \u2013\u2013\u2013||odd||even||each",
              "default":"ODD\/EVEN \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "inputOptionValues":"IMAGE OVERLAY \u2013\u2013\u2013||overlay||no-overlay",
              "default":"IMAGE OVERLAY \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "caption":"global Settings: Border",
              "inputOptionValues":"COLOR \u2013\u2013\u2013||gray||black||white||green||blue||brown||lightgreen||lightblue||lightbrown||lightgray||red",
              "default":"COLOR \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "inputOptionValues":"WIDTH \u2013\u2013\u2013||1px||2px||3px||4px||5px||6px||7px||8px",
              "default":"WIDTH \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "inputOptionValues":"STYLE \u2013\u2013\u2013||solid||dashed||dotted",
              "default":"STYLE \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "inputOptionValues":"BORDER-TOP \u2013\u2013\u2013||border_top||no \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "default":"BORDER-TOP \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "inputOptionValues":"BORDER-RIGHT \u2013\u2013\u2013||border_right||no \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "default":"BORDER-RIGHT \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "inputOptionValues":"BORDER-BOTTOM \u2013\u2013\u2013||border_bottom||no \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "default":"BORDER-BOTTOM \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "inputOptionValues":"BORDER-LEFT \u2013\u2013\u2013||border_left||no \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "default":"BORDER-LEFT \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "inputOptionValues":"BETWEEN-HORIZONTAL \u2013\u2013\u2013||border_horizontal",
              "default":"BETWEEN-HORIZONTAL \u2013\u2013\u2013",
              "inputOptionValues":"BETWEEN-VERTICAL \u2013\u2013\u2013||border_vertical",
              "default":"BETWEEN-VERTICAL \u2013\u2013\u2013",

              "caption":"Activate this item ",
              "description":"or deactivate it",
        "update_win_title":"Elements of the List Grid",

    Maybe I have to underline, that the backend-preview is rendered into a column of "Multiple_Formtabs". Therefore I use the same templates as for the frontend. Via this customrenderer-Tpl "multiPreviewTpl__all"
    <div class="preview">[[$[[+MIGX_formname]]? &docid=`[[*id]]_[[+MIGX_id]]`]]</div>

    Bruno, I would love it if you could follow me.
    Ciao Simon. [ed. note: Serifenlos last edited this post 7 years, 3 months ago.]
      • 26761
      • 3 Posts
      I did a very simple MIGX-setup and I failed. So I think to know that the renderChunk is my problem.

      I put a imageplus- and a text-inputType in the formtab. In the Columntab just a preview-field with a renderChunk-renderer.

      If I call the ImagePlus-Plugin with a renderChunk-Tpl to get a cropped image in my MIGX-table, the hole story fails. But if the ImagePlus-Plugin is canceled, the [[+text]] will gets out.

      Could you reproduce this?
      Cheers Simon.