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    • 49312
    • 61 Posts
    Hey guys,

    I need some help only showing a single gallery instead of all galleries. And Maybe there is a much better way to go about this than the mess I have put together so far.

    Basic overview: I don't want a traditional "galley" where you have a grid of galleries. On the site that I am building there are projects, and when you click into a project there is a single thumbnail and a link to launch a gallery.

    Here is a live but STATIC example of what I am trying to do. https://nativeplainsok.com/projects/farm.html

    I have a TV setup to select the gallery for each project. I am able to get those images, although hidden, to output to the page for only my selected gallery using:
    [[!Gallery? &toPlaceholder=`gallery`&album=`[[*Gallery]]`]]

    Is there a way to tell it to only list the gallery that matches [[*Gallery]] ?

    If there are way easier ways to do this I would love to hear that as well. I'd like to avoid it if possible, but as a last resort I could just hard-code the gallery button (it triggers the gallery with jquery) and use an addioinal TV for the image thumbnail.

    Here is the full code for the gallery portion:
    [[!Gallery? &toPlaceholder=`gallery`&album=`[[*Gallery]]`]]
    [[!GalleryAlbums? &toPlaceholder=`galleries`&thumbWidth=`1200`&thumbHeight=`auto`&thumbZoomCrop=`0`&limit=`0`]]
    <div style="float: right">
    <ul id="thegallery">

    GalleryAlbums does not seem to have a way to specify an album like Gallery does.

    Here is the rest of the coder for reference.

    <li><a data-fancybox="group" href="[[+image_absolute]]"></a></li>

    <img src="[[+image]]" alt="[[+description]]" />
    <a id="launch" href="javascript:;">[[+showName:notempty=`[[+name]]`]]</a>

    I appreciate any help!
      • 17301
      • 932 Posts
      Honestly, how I would approach this would be to set each project as a resource within a respective parent resource. Then I would use modGallery from modmore.com (https://www.modmore.com/?via=1346) to create the project resources are 'gallery resources' - meaning each resource will have its own gallery. On the gallery page you could then feed in one single image for the thumbnail, or setup a TV individually for it, and then have the rest of the gallery show on click using your front-end JS skills.

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