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    • 53646
    • 1 Posts
    I have migx nested in migx. Child migx is used to download files.
    The child migx has a file source with (for multiupload):

    basePath [[!migxResourceMediaPath? &pathTpl=`/assets/content/files/resources/{id}/`&createFolder=`1`]]
    baseUrl [[!migxResourceMediaPath? &pathTpl=`/assets/content/files/resources/{id}/`&createFolder=`1`]]

    Because of this, each row of the parent migx corresponds to the same files as specified {id}.

    I tried the path:
    [[!migxResourceMediaPath? &pathTpl=`/assets/content/files/resources/{id}/{MIGX_id}/`&createFolder=`1`]]
    But it does not work. What should I do to delimit the children migx by folders?
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      There is no easy way to let the mediasource know about the currently used nested MIGX-item. Maybe there is, but not that easy.

      If you're planing to have a lot of images within this nested setup, it might be a better aproach to have all of this in custom-tables and use MIGXdb instaed.
      Then it should also be possible to seperate the upload-folders for each sub-MIGX-thing.


        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX

