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    • 15454
    • 17 Posts
    Hi There,

    I'm having a frustrating issue where if I try to customise the editor toolbars with things like selectall or pastetext, it just doesn't work anymore - nothing appears. All these things still exist and can be viewed in the Full theme, but for some reason the custom toolbars configuration in Configuration>Interface & Features does nothing unless you add the same buttons that are already there. It just doesn't seem to respond.

    Has anyone dealt with this issue before?

    Kathy smiley

    This question has been answered by kathycee. See the first response.

      • 15454
      • 17 Posts
      Actually, it seems to work if I add things to line 3 and 4 in the config area, but won't change from the default options in lines 1 and 2
      • discuss.answer
        • 15454
        • 17 Posts
        I didn't figure out how to make the default toolbar 1 and 2 settings work, but I created a new theme, set toolbar 1 and 2 as I wanted them and then let it pick up the config fields for line 3 and 4. I now have the tinymce4 editor set up as I wanted. It is strange that custom doesn't really mean custom anymore.