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    below is the code i use for all my sites for canonical issues and so far it's worked ok
    <base href="[[!++site_url]]" />
    <link rel="canonical" href="[[++site_url]][[*id:isnot=`[[++site_start]]`:then=`[[~[[*id]]]]`]]" />

    However, on my latest site it is refusing to be saved by Modx.

    All sites are on the same server and running the same version of Modx Revo 2.5.7

    By trial and error I deduced it was the last bit that was causing the problem

    And in particular the
    [[~[ ]]

    So I rewrote it as
    <link rel="canonical" href="[[++site_url]][[*id:isnot=`[[++site_start]]`:then=`[[*id]]`]]" />

    Just to see what would happen. It worked ok except I got the id number in the url instead of the alias.

    So I changed it to "alias"
    <link rel="canonical" href="[[++site_url]][[*id:isnot=`[[++site_start]]`:then=`[[*alias]]`]]" />

    That seems to have worked but not sure if it's correct code syntax without the tilde and the extra brackets.

    Plus I still don't know why the original code won't save.

    Anyone got any ideas?


      Content Creator and Copywriter
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      The fact that you have one cached and one uncached site_url tag could be a factor.

      You might try the Canonical extra, which injects the canonical tag for you when it's appropriate.
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