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    • 7 Posts
    Well. I have site with 2 contexts. Cabinet is context 'web' and is on sub-domain 'lk.*'. Landing page is context 'land' and is on main domain. I use component login to login\register users, but i use ajax requests to send info (login, password, etc.). Login page is in 'web' context, so when i'm in context 'web' and try to login - i successfully login. But when i'm in 'land' context and try to login (all parameters are sent to login page in 'web' context using ajax) - print_r($_REQUEST) shows that i sent only 'q' parameter. Register and Password reset forms work correctly. Intresting, that if i change input with name 'password' to name 'passwordd' (or any other, just not 'password') - all parameters are sent correctly, but ofcourse login doesn't login me. So i think that's Login's bug.
    Does anybody know how to solve it?

    UPD.: It happens only if login and password are correct. If they are wrong - form correctly shows me error "User not found or password is wrong" [ed. note: Skippi last edited this post 6 years, 11 months ago.]