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    • 53482
    • 2 Posts
    Hi. I am completely new to Modx and have been following the video tutorials and I'm completely stuck on something with WayFinder. I'm able to get it to display the menu, but when I try to customize and add properties, it completely ignores my settings. For example:

    [[WayFinder? &startId='0' &outerTpl='myOuterTemplate']]

    and in 'myOuterTemplate I have:

    <ul id="main-nav"[[+wf.classes+]]>[[+wf.wrapper+]]</ul>

    The added id in my above markup is not added to it. What am I doing wrong? I keep doing hard refreshes on the browser and nothing changes.

    FYI I am using Revolution 2.5.7-pl.

    This question has been answered by paulp. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 22840
      • 1,572 Posts
      Might not be the fix as I don't use wayfinder but you need to use back ticks not single quotes, also make sure youve cleared the cache

      [[WayFinder? &startId=`0` &outerTpl=`myOuterTemplate`]]
        • 53482
        • 2 Posts
        It was the back ticks... thank you!!!
          • 22840
          • 1,572 Posts
          No Problem, it trips a lot of people up, for reference all calls like that use back ticks, Welcome to MODX wink