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[[Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &rowTpl=`rowTpl` &outerTpl=`outerTpl`]]
<!-- outerTpl --> <ul id="nav nav-pills" id="mainNav"[[+wf.classes]]> [[+wf.wrapper]] </ul>
<!-- rowTpl --> <li[[+wf.id]]> <a href="[[+wf.link]]" title="[[+wf.title]]" [[+wf.attributes]]>[[+wf.linktext]]</a> [[+wf.wrapper]]</li>
<!-- ParentRow --> <li> <a href="[[+wf.link]]">[[+wf.linktext]]</a> - [[+wf.description]] [[+wf.wrapper]] </li>
This question has been answered by wbbuilder. See the first response.
<base href="[[!++site_url]]" />
[[!Wayfinder? &startid=`0`]]
Do you have this tag in the head section of all your templates (it's required for the links in the menu to work)?
<base href="[[!++site_url]]">
Wayfinder has been around for a long time and is pretty bulletproof. It should produce a working menu even if you just use:
[[!Wayfinder? &startid=`0`]]
[[Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &rowTpl=`rowTpl` &outerTpl=`outerTpl` &level=`3`]]