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    I'd like to have a TV (Multi-Checkbox) where I can reference on listed Resources.

    I'm working with several Contexts and the same Templates should be used on all Contexts.
    That means, in the Context-Settings I'd like to Reference the "Main Page", of which Sub-Pages should be listed to choose from.

    As Input Options of my TV "downloads_references":
    @EVAL return $modx->runSnippet('listResourcesContext',array('setting_key' => 'site_references'));

    Snippet "listResourcesContext"
    $contextKey = $modx->getOption('setting_key', $scriptProperties, 'default');
    $document = $modx->getObject('modResource',$modx->resource->get("id"));
    $key = $document->get('context_key');
    $ctx = $modx->getContext($key);
    $parent = $modx->getOption('parent',$scriptProperties,$ctx->getOption($contextKey));
    $parentObj = $modx->getObject('modResource',$parent);
    if (!($parentObj instanceof modResource)) { return ''; }
    $resArray = $parentObj->getMany('Children');
    $resources = array();
    foreach($resArray as $res) {
      if ($res instanceof modResource) {
        $resources[] = $res->get('pagetitle') . '==' . $res->get('id');
    $out = implode("||",$resources);
    return $out;

    When the Resource was already saved, it is possible to choose from the resource list.

    But if I want to Create a New Resource, I get a 500 error....
    Can anybody help me? Maybe there's something wrong with the Snippet?

    Thank you very much in advance

    This question has been answered by donshakespeare. See the first response.

    [ed. note: seliin last edited this post 7 years ago.]
      • 26610
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      I need some help please... smiley
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        donshakespeare Reply #3, 7 years ago
        Check first if the resource in question, that is, currently worked on, is indeed a resource.
        New resources are not resources, they are wanna-bes. They become resources only after the first save.

        Your errors start when you try to "get" non-existent fields values from a wanna-be "resource" that does not have an id or anything at all.

        if(is_object($modx->resource)){ //<--check first if this is a resource before we start getting and giving anything
          $document = $modx->getObject('modResource',$modx->resource->get("id"));
          $contextKey = $modx->getOption('setting_key', $scriptProperties, 'default');
          $key = $document->get('context_key');
          $ctx = $modx->getContext($key);
          $parent = $modx->getOption('parent',$scriptProperties,$ctx->getOption($contextKey));
          $parentObj = $modx->getObject('modResource',$parent);
          if (!($parentObj instanceof modResource)) { return ''; }
          $resArray = $parentObj->getMany('Children');
          $resources = array();
          foreach($resArray as $res) {
            if ($res instanceof modResource) {
              $resources[] = $res->get('pagetitle') . '==' . $res->get('id');
          $out = implode("||",$resources);
          return $out;

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          Thank you so much!!