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    • 38630
    • 21 Posts
    I have setup a multi context install which is using each context for separate language versions.

    Each context has it's own
     base_url: /context/
    site_url: https://domain.com/context

    I have rewrite rules to manage the switching between the contexts based on language selection which all works. The problem is with assets. All assets are set to use relative paths but the output from any image TV is badly wrong:

    Note the context before the protocol, the fact that the protocol is http rather than https and 'assets' appears twice.

    I had to set $modx_assets_path to "/revolution/assets/" and $modx_assets_url= '/assets/' so the js would load in the front end. But everything seems to be a mess. Any suggestion how to fix the asset link mess?

    This question has been answered by lkfranklin. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 17301
      • 932 Posts
      Hi Nathan,

      You need to setup/update media sources in media>media sources and set the basePath and baseURL.

      Then if you have different media sources for different context in your TV click the media sources tab and set the media source for the particular context.

      Hope this helps.
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        • 38630
        • 21 Posts
        Awesome, thanks LK. That setting is buried!