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    I have a snippet which is called like this :
    [[!loadTemplate? &template=`text`]]

    In snippet I do this:
    I'm trying to cache a news page depending on mobile/desktop device.

    //if(!$deviceType) $deviceType = 'desktop';
    $cacheManager = $modx->getCacheManager();
    $lifetime = 3600*24*7; // in seconds
    require_once 'core/components/sanz/Mobile_Detect.php';
    $detect = new Mobile_Detect;
    if ( $detect->isMobile() || $_GET['browser'] == 'mobile') {
        $deviceType = 'mobile';
    } else if( $detect->isTablet() ){
        $deviceType = 'mobile';
    } else {
        $deviceType = 'desktop';
    $key = sha1(json_encode(array( $_GET,
    if (!$resu = $cacheManager->get($key)) {
        $resu = $modx->parseChunk('tpl_'.$template.'--'.$deviceType);
        $cacheManager->set($key ,
    return $resu.'<!--loadTemplate'.$deviceType.'-->';

    It works. But down the hierarchy of chunks there is one thing I do not need to cache - block showing visitor's geoposition.
    I print it using two snippets :
    {$_modx->runSnippet('!renderGeoCategoryNews', ['category'=> $_modx->runSnippet('!getCurrentLocation') ])}

    inside renderGeoCategoryNews() caches and does not change.
    Why? [ed. note: iampublic last edited this post 7 years, 1 month ago.]