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    • 34174
    • 67 Posts
    So I think I stumbled upon a Wayfinder bug. This is my snippet call, which is in a chunk that is called in a template used by resources in 2 different contexts.

    [[Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &level=`2` &parentRowTpl=`navParent.tpl` &innerTpl=`navInner.tpl` &outerTpl=`navOuter.tpl` &rowTpl=`nav.row.tpl` &hereClass=`current` &contexts=`[[++cultureKey]]`]]

    Context 1 is EN; context 2 is DE.

    In EN, my menu and submenu shows fine.

    In DE, the submenu is broken...and i realise that the snippet properties are not being honoured. Ihave a custom parentRowTpl and Wayfinder is using the default html for that. Why?

    So what I had to do was use pdoMenu, and without changing anything in my snippet properties, it worked without issue. [ed. note: [email protected] last edited this post 7 years, 10 months ago.]
      • 37105
      • 194 Posts
      Do you have set the key site_start correctly in the context settings for DE? Maybe Wayfinder needs this setting to define the root to be used for the &startId option.

      It is better to switch to pdoMenu because the development and support for Wayfinder is not longer available when you look at the Github page for Wayfinder. I use pdoTools for all of my tasks resources, menus and much other stuff.
        Codeplaza Webdesign: for professional websites at low cost
        • 34174
        • 67 Posts
        Hi, yes, the site_start is correctly set for both. I have babel and XRouting setup and the navigation works fine for both languages.