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    Hello, I'm new with angular and I'm trying to mix it with Revo, can anyone give me a guide or any documentation please?

    Thank you very much. [ed. note: Ysanmiguel last edited this post 7 years, 2 months ago.]
    • Quote from: Ysanmiguel at Feb 20, 2017, 03:36 PM
      Hello, I'm new with angular and I'm trying to mix it with Revo, can anyone give me a guide or any documentation please?

      Thank you very much.

      The big thing you will want to do is require a hashbang in your app's config.

      app.config(function ($locationProvider) { 

      That will allow you to do modifications to the URI without causing MODX to load a 404. Another consideration is you will want to probably set the base URL to the specific resource on any apps.

      It's a pretty open-ended question, so feel free to ask specifics if you need help.
        Mat Dave Jones