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    • 53174
    • 2 Posts
    Hello there i am bit new with modx, searched some pages for my answer but not luck sad

    well my problem with eForm build in captcha and google recaptcha looks that form not validating captcha.
    When i fill every required field and leave empty captcha/recaptcha and send msg than ill get error message on page to fill captcha but even with empty captcha mail will be sent i give up and ask someone for help me with that.

    MODx evo ver: 1.0.15
    eForm ver: 1.4.6
      • 13226
      • 953 Posts

      You are using an insecure version of Evo - You should update ASAP, you can download the latest version of Evo here

      eForm has also had changes made to it


      recaptcha is not a part of eForm, if your form has recaptcha in it, you are using a custom modified version

      There is talk on GitHub about Recaptcha, found here
        • 53174
        • 2 Posts
        First of all wanna thank you Iusemodx for your answer.

        About the first you wrote:
        Quote from: iusemodx at Jan 23, 2017, 05:59 PM

        You are using an insecure version of Evo - You should update ASAP, you can download the latest version of Evo here

        Thanks for your point ill will do that immidietly but tell me that i need to update it manualy? or is there some sort of autoupdater?

        Is there a chance if i update modx ill crash my site? or if update will be done properly theres no chance for that?

        Quote from: iusemodx at Jan 23, 2017, 05:59 PM


        recaptcha is not a part of eForm, if your form has recaptcha in it, you are using a custom modified version

        There is talk on GitHub about Recaptcha, found here

        About reCaptcha i read many post here about it and im aware there is no official reCaptcha for eForm and i made modification by my own didnt use custom modified version. Everything looked good dont know why it dont work same as build in eForm captcha.

        When i wanna send blank form iv get error that requirements need to be filled like Name, e-mail, description and get validation of captcha with that msg isnt send, but when i fill just requirements from eForm (in my eForm is name, e-mail, desc) and try to send message i will get error that need fill captcha but anyway i will get that message on my e-mail. [ed. note: iusemodx last edited this post 8 years ago.]
          • 13226
          • 953 Posts
          There is always a possibility that an update can go wrong.

          The standard procedure is to backup everything on the server as well as your database, that way if something does go wrong, you can revert back to the old version

          No, Evo doesn't have an auto updater - you have to do the work

          Ref. Recaptcha, sorry can't help you there, I am not a PHP developer - post your issue / ask for advice on the GitHub page I linked to earlier.

          p.s I modified your post as it wasn't readable due to a missing end of quote