First of all wanna thank you Iusemodx for your answer.
About the first you wrote:
Quote from: iusemodx at Jan 23, 2017, 05:59 PM@bartes
You are using an insecure version of Evo - You should update ASAP, you can download the latest version of Evo here
Thanks for your point ill will do that immidietly but tell me that i need to update it manualy? or is there some sort of autoupdater?
Is there a chance if i update modx ill crash my site? or if update will be done properly theres no chance for that?
Quote from: iusemodx at Jan 23, 2017, 05:59 PM
recaptcha is not a part of eForm, if your form has recaptcha in it, you are using a custom modified version
There is talk on GitHub about Recaptcha, found here
About reCaptcha i read many post here about it and im aware there is no official reCaptcha for eForm and i made modification by my own didnt use custom modified version. Everything looked good dont know why it dont work same as build in eForm captcha.
When i wanna send blank form iv get error that requirements need to be filled like Name, e-mail, description and get validation of captcha with that msg isnt send, but when i fill just requirements from eForm (in my eForm is name, e-mail, desc) and try to send message i will get error that need fill captcha but anyway i will get that message on my e-mail.
[ed. note: iusemodx last edited this post 8 years ago.]