Hey there ! I just migrated from an old evo from 1.0.12 to a 1.2 version and i just feel the need to say somewhere
db d8b db .d88b. db d8b db
88 I8I 88 .8P Y8. 88 I8I 88
88 I8I 88 88 88 88 I8I 88
Y8 I8I 88 88 88 Y8 I8I 88
`8b d8'8b d8' `8b d8' `8b d8'8b d8'
`8b8' `8d8' `Y88P' `8b8' `8d8'
what a nice manager in there !
Guys you did a wonderful job with Evolution ! It has the feeling of Revo with the speed and simplicity of Evo.. I notice a lot of improvement in settings and other details everywhere... it's soooo nice !!
Thank you!
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