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    • 53067
    • 7 Posts
    After moving MODx Evolution 1.2 from a subdomain to the main domain by changing the folder assignment for that domain and deleting the subdomain (Host Europe), I had to edit assets/cache/siteHostnames.php manually. The file contained
    define('MODX_SITE_HOSTNAMES', 'test.mydomain.de')
    still pointing to the subdomain. Running an upgrade-installation after the reconfiguration of the domain settings did not solve the problem.

    Before editing the siteHostnames.php I got
    - a redirection to the subdomain after entering the login data on mydomain.de/manager/ (-> test.mydomain.de/manager/)
    - an ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error, if the redirect is not possible any longer, because the subdomain no longer exists
    - a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) warning when trying manually to go back to mydomain.de/manager/ after the login

    ...just in case somebody else needs this - took me two hours to find out wink
      • 13226
      • 953 Posts
      You don't have to modify that file per hand.

      If you move the files and then login to the manager via the new path, that file is re-generated with the correct domain automatically.

      And if you want to be on the safe side, you can modify the configuration settings, by changing the domain there.

      You can add multiple domains, it is not restricted to one