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    I'm struggling at getting to work the table editing feature which is very important for some client sites. I'm using Evo 1.2 with PHP 5.6.

    My earlier solution has been phpMyEdit, but it struggled with PHP 5.5, then I tried dbEdit - version bei Jako https://github.com/Jako/ModX-Evo-dbEdit

    The module does recognize the tables and table columns, after saving the configuration however in the tables overview there are placeholders [+name+] and [+comments+]

    The tables list individuall table link on [+name+] seems to miss recID:


    The table modx_dbedit_configs is existing and there are entries with recID.

    It looks as id module.list.tables.inc.php is not getting the recID for the sql request on line 104.

    If I hack the ID number of a existing recID manually into the code of module.list.tables.inc.php (line 120) everything after clicking on [+name+] seems to work fine, even saving changes to the table!!!

    Thanks for any hint! [ed. note: hgw7m last edited this post 7 years, 3 months ago.]
      • 36649
      • 77 Posts
      No ideas? Nobody with same problem?