I am new bi here, so if the post in different area then accept my apology. The fact is my wesite was built by using MODX Revolution 2.2.1-pl (traditional) . Recently I am facing a problem that is: I can see my first page of the website but while I click any link the it shows "The requested URL /xxxx/xxxxx was not found on this server" whether it was ok and I can log on to Manager panel and there I see the page and content is there.
Can anybody help me regarding that fact please?
Hi, did you change something in the URL rewriting configuration ? Did you update something ? MODX ? SERVER ?
Make sure you have this tag in the head section of all Templates:
<base href="[[!++site_url]]" />
[ed. note: smashingred last edited this post 8 years, 1 month ago.]