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    • 30711
    • 70 Posts
    I have a website that is up and running and for testing period I have been using my own gmail adress to receive formit contact form messages. Everything works fine. When I change to email address that has the same domain as the site, it stops working. No erros, nothing in logs. I am using &emailSubject and &emailFrom.

    For example: Contact form is at www.example.com/contact

    &emailTo=`[email protected]` WORKS
    &emailTo=`[email protected]` DOES NOT WORK

    What am I missing?
      • 37105
      • 194 Posts
      Hi tsavage,

      I had similar problem, but in my case I resolved it by adding the &emailToName after the &emailTo param.
        Codeplaza Webdesign: for professional websites at low cost
      • You'll want to test the emails with QuickEmail. Also, you will want to check the domain for the domain email to see if there is an SPF record set up for allowing the server to send email on it's behalf.

        Not that you're using MODX Cloud but we have some good docs on SPF records: https://support.modx.com/hc/en-us/articles/216758768
        There's also a document on using SMTP with MODX as well, which can be a challenge: https://support.modx.com/hc/en-us/articles/216947987

        Personally, I also like to use an ESP instead of an individual email account so I have a record of deliveries and opens as well.
          Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub