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  • Upgraded a site from 2.2.8 to 2.2.16 without any issues.
    My plan is go upgrade from there to:


    Wait a bit as there appears to be an Extras bug with 2.5.2.

    I upgraded to 2.3 (again from 2.2.16) and though the Manager is fine all the pages on the front end are blank and render absolutely no HTML.

    I also updated all the Extras that I could get access to, but, page 5 (of 7) of Extras refuses to load (also refused to load in 2.2.8). We get an endless loading loop so I'm wondering if that could be a factor in the blank pages as well as this didn't happen with another upgrade from 2.2.x to the newer versions on the same server.

    Comparing the Extras list to the list of components in the packages folder it appears the system gets hung up on the montwitter extra. I have no idea how to formerly uninstall this without access to the MODX interface to do so. When we input it into the Extras search field we get the endless loading loop.
      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      monTwitter is a beta version from 2010, so it wouldn't be a surprise if it had trouble with later versions.

      Do you see anything in the MODX error log?

      For the front end, you could edit all the monTwitter snippets (and plugins, if there are any) and put this line at the top (right below the PHP tag if there is one):

      return '';

      That won't solve the Package Manager issue, but at least it might bring back the front end.
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      • It turns out it was MIGX. I started again from 2.2.8 and updated the Extras before updating MODX itself (which is my usual procedure but for some reason didn't follow it this time). As a result, we no longer have this issue and have updated to 2.5.1 (will move to 2.5.2 very soon). We have kept the old 2.2.8 live while we do a complete overhaul of the site. The updated version is being staged in a subfodler called stage.

        Only issue that remains is this:

        [2016-11-18 11:23:32] (ERROR @ /home/site/public_html/stage/core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php : 502) Path specified for package extendeduser is not a valid or accessible directory: /home/site/public_html/stage/core/components/classextender/model/model/
          • 3749
          • 24,544 Posts
          That path is stored in the extension_packages System Setting.

          Is ClassExtender installed?

          Is it in use?
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          • I uninstalled it.
              • 3749
              • 24,544 Posts
              Check the extension_packages System Setting to see if the extendeduser package is there (if so, remove it).

              That error message looks exactly like what you get if the package is gone but is still registered in that System Setting (or the cached System Setting). If it's not there, try deleting everything in the core/cache directory (or at least the context_settings and system_settings directories).
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