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    • 51315
    • 67 Posts
    My form is placed in a sliding-in div.
    I need the div to stay visible after clicking submit button.
    Validations and success message should be displayed without reloading the page.

    Here is my snippet call:
        &emailSubject=`New Contact`

    I read this

    and this

    but still can not figure out a solution.

    Does anyone can help with a kind of tutorial?
    It should be really appreciated.
      • 51315
      • 67 Posts
      To make it more clear.

      I am following this thread (for MODX):

      And this tutorial (for jQuery/AJAX):

      So i created the snippet formSubmitNoReload:
        echo $_POST['name'] ."<br />";
        echo $_POST['email'] ."<br />";
        echo "==============================<br />";
        echo "All Data Submitted Successfully!";

      And a resource (empty template) with just the snippet call:

      Here is my form:

      <form role="form" id="form-contact" method="post">
              <input type="text" id="name" name="name">
              <input type="email" id="email" name="email">
              <button type="submit" id="submitFormData" onclick="SubmitFormData();" value="Submit">Send</button>

      And this is my jQuery Code:

      function SubmitFormData() {
          var name = $("#name").val();
          var email = $("#email").val();
          $.post("http://www.mywebsite.com/index.php?id=5", { name: name, email: email },
          function(data) {

      It does not work.
      Can anyone please tell where am i wrong?
        • 51315
        • 67 Posts
        Any suggestion?
        All related threads to date are almost useless.
        It could help a lot of people out there.
          • 3749
          • 24,544 Posts
          Try doing something like this:

          var formData = {
                      'name'              : $('input[name=name]').val(),
                      'email'             : $('input[name=email]').val(),
          $.post("http://www.mywebsite.com/index.php?id=5", function(formData) {
                  // place success code here
                  .fail(function(data) {
                      // place error code here
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            • 51315
            • 67 Posts
            Thank you Bruno.

            Tried with:

            function SubmitFormData() {
            	var formData = {
            		'name'	: $('input[name=name]').val(),
            		'email'	: $('input[name=email]').val(),
            	$.post("http://www.mywebsite.com/index.php?id=5", function(formData) {
            		$( "#results" ).text( "SUCCESS" );
            		// place success code here
            	.fail(function(data) {
            		$( "#results" ).text( "FAILURE" );
            		// place error code here

            But still not working.

            Also, i am wondering about what must be done to make this work together with FormIt.

                &emailSubject=`New Subscription`
                &validationErrorMessage=`Please correct the following errors:<br />[[+errors]]<br /><br />`

            Not sure this is the right way.
            Unfortunately FormIt has not hooks dedicated to this "do not reload" issue.
              • 51315
              • 67 Posts
              Actually, FormIt works pretty well.
              The only limit here is that i need the page not to be reloaded after submitting the form.
              I am wondering if there is a way to obtain this without renouncing to some good functionalities offered by FormIt (email hook and validation in particular).

              For example, i do not need the success/failure message being handled by a javascript.
              FormIt fires a snippet as a custom hook (Bruno, i followed another tip of yours i found in the forum).

              Basically, i am just looking for something producing the same effect that <button onclick="return false;">Submit</button>, but through AJAX.

              Does it make any sense?
                  • 51315
                  • 67 Posts
                  Just installed, AJAX actually works.
                  Form sends emails without reloading.
                  But no validation nor success messages.
                  Documentation is very minimal.
                  Have you tried it?

                  Here is the snippet:

                                  &emailSubject=`New Contact`
                                  &validationErrorMessage=`Please correct the following errors:<br />[[+errors]]<br /><br />`

                  And the custom hook:

                  $modx->setPlaceholder('fi.custom.success','Hi, thank you.');
                  return true;

                  Any suggestion?
                    • 51315
                    • 67 Posts
                    Well AjaxForm partially works but with some issues.
                    It keeps returning a jquery.jgrowl.min.js error "jquery.jgrowl.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: e(...).size is not a function".
                    It is not related to script order on the html page, jGrowl comes after jQuery.
                      • 51315
                      • 67 Posts
                      No clue? Anyone?
                      If it works it's great!
                      So many MODX users are looking for an easy Form/AJAX solution.

                      A recap:

                          &emailSubject=`New Contact`
                          &validationErrorMessage=`Please correct the following errors:[[+errors]]`
                          &successMessage=`Cool, thanks`


                      <form id="contact-form" action="" method="post" class="ajax_form af_example">
                          <fieldset class="form-group"><!-- Name -->
                              <label for="name" class="contact-label">
                                  [[%af_label_name]] [[!+fi.error.name]]
                              <input type="text" id="af_name" name="name" class="form-control" placeholder=""  value="[[!+fi.name]]" />
                          <fieldset class="form-group"><!-- Email -->
                              <label for="email" class="contact-label">
                                  [[%af_label_email]] [[!+fi.error.email]]
                              <input type="email" id="af_email" name="email" class="form-control" placeholder="" value="[[!+fi.email]]" />
                          <div class="form-group"> 
                              <div class="form-group-margin">
                                  <input type="submit" class="btn-submit" value="[[%af_submit]]" />
                          <div class="alert alert-success">[[+fi.successMessage]]</div>
                          <div class="alert alert-danger">[[+fi.validation_error_message]]</div>

                      According to https://docs.modx.pro/components/ajaxform (it's in russian, googletranslate) it's very easy.
                      Keeps returning this error to the browser:

                      Uncaught TypeError: e(...).size is not a functione.jGrowl
                      @ jquery.jgrowl.min.js:1AjaxForm.Message.success
                      @ default.js:101$.ajaxSubmit.success
                      @ default.js:64t.success
                      @ jquery.form.min.js:7i
                      @ jquery.min.js:2j.fireWith
                      @ jquery.min.js:2A
                      @ jquery.min.js:4(anonymous function)
                      @ jquery.min.js:4