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    • 7858
    • 97 Posts
    Hi, I've got this in my template

    [[!migxLoopCollection? &packageName=`mypack` &classname=`packItem` &where=`{"published":1,"id:IN":[[[*myTV]]]}` &sortConfig=`[{"sortby":"RAND()"}]`  &tpl=`@CODE:[[+item_name]]<br>`]]

    it works fine, but only if I place my TV placeholder somwhere in template (aside from MIGx call, e.g. in content)

    for example.

    If I remove TV from template, the whole where condition breaks and it loads all entries.

    P.S. myTV is a comma separated list of IDs.
      • 28432
      • 372 Posts
      Hi, have you tried to make a chunk tpl instead of using @CODE ?
        • 7858
        • 97 Posts
        Quote from: Steeve at Oct 18, 2016, 09:16 AM
        Hi, have you tried to make a chunk tpl instead of using @CODE ?
        Yep. Does not fix the problem. I'm pretty sure, i've had this "issue" once before, but can not get any more, how did I fix it...

        Sure, I can place myTV placeholder somewhere in <head> or in an hidden div. But that's a pretty ugly "fix" for my taste )