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    • 52857
    • 8 Posts

    Using MIGX I have a TV that has three inputs: Title, file upload field, and description. I am using a custom media source to ensure that the files are uploaded to a specific directory. Two weird things are happening:

    If logged in as Administrator, I get the root modx directory when I click the file upload field.
    If logged in as User Group 2, I don't even get a file upload field.

    I'm guessing this has something to do with my media source settings and permissions somewhere, but I can't figure it out! Any suggestions on where to look?
      • 52860
      • 10 Posts
      Hi @sf23103,

      THis is almost for sure a problem with permissions.
      I have two projects that do have this kind of setup (custom media sources and permissions). That situation that you described was happening to be as well. But then I changed the default media source and added the relevant permissions and solved the situation.

      So what I recommend is the following:
      - Define the custom media source that you want as default media source. assigning permissions to all users (check global configuration; default_media_source);
      - Restrict the main media source to admin only

      Here is some help that possibly applies to your case:

      Anyway feel free to drop more questions here and I will help you.
      Please let me know if this helped you.
