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  • Hi,

    I develop under macOS (10.12) variuos kind of php apps. I used to do it with AMPPS and MAMP but I switched to vagrant scotch box (VirtualBox). Apache2 document root is shared from the host (osx) system to vagrantbox with nfs.

    When I imported the modx site, it seemed to be running, but when I log in to manager area and try to navigate on resources I get blank white page and the following error in log.

    [2016-10-14 11:24:24] (ERROR @ /var/www/xxxx/core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php : 761) modExtensionPackage::loadCache() is not a valid static method.
    [2016-10-14 11:24:24] (ERROR @ /var/www/xxxx/core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php : 761) modExtensionPackage::loadCache() is not a valid static method.
    [2016-10-14 11:24:25] (ERROR @ /var/www/xxxx/core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php : 761) modExtensionPackage::loadCache() is not a valid static method.
    [2016-10-14 11:24:26] (ERROR @ /var/www/xxxx/core/model/modx/modcachemanager.class.php : 166) Could not cache context settings for web.
    [2016-10-14 11:24:26] (ERROR @ /var/www/xxxx/core/xpdo/cache/xpdocachemanager.class.php : 279) PHP warning: link(): Operation not permitted
    [2016-10-14 11:24:26] (ERROR @ /var/www/xxxx/core/xpdo/cache/xpdocachemanager.class.php : 279) PHP warning: link(): Operation not permitted

    Other time I've got the error message, that cache is not writable

    I searched the issue, googled it and tried with the following modifications:

    - added user_flock with value 0 to system_settings table
    - increased php memory
    - set the nfs share's user/group owner to www-data
    - set the nfs share's permissions to 775/664, and tried with 777/666 too
    config.vm.synced_folder "~/www", "/var/www", id: "vagrant-www",
           owner: "www-data",
           group: "www-data",
           mount_options: ["dmode=777,fmode=666"]

    - updated vagrant, virtualbox and GuestAdditions to the latest stabile version.

    I cleared cache manually each time. It seems to be a permission issue.

    I would like to use this devenv and not switch only because I can not run modx.

    [ed. note: veresdaniel last edited this post 7 years, 6 months ago.]