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    I'm using this snippet call to display books from an migxdb.
    [[!migxLoopCollection? &packageName=`databaseLoreBooks` &classname=`databaseLoreBooks` &tpl=`BookTpl` &where=`{"id:IN":[ [[+books:replace=`||==,`]] ]}`]]

    I would like to change the "where" parameter to show all of the books except the single featured book. I've tried several different things similar to the example below (most of them based on examples on this page https://docs.modx.com/xpdo/2.x/class-reference/xpdoquery/xpdoquery.where). I also found migxLoopCollection on Github with all of the "where" options and tried messing around with those in mind. I just haven't had any luck getting it to work.

    [[!migxLoopCollection? &packageName=`databaseLoreBooks` &classname=`databaseLoreBooks` &tpl=`BookTpl` &where=`{"id:IN":[ [[+books:replace=`||==,`]] ], "AND:id:NOT":"[[+books_featured]]"}`]]

    I appreciate any help!