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    Hi, i have created a migx-tv which can be called in a resource under TV's.
    Problem is if i use the this.renderChunk option in the column-config nothing gets outputted except te original value. However if I use this config in a global CMP the intended value is outputted.
    I have a column "bestuurslid" and a column "render_bestuurslid", the first column is hidden in the grid.

    *** UPDATE: Even stranger: if the MIGX is a config rather than the json for form and column it seems to work, a full name is outputted. However rightclick "edit" doesn't yield any action... ***

    Does anyone have some smart remarks about this behaviour?

    [[!lidFullName? &lid=`[[+bestuurslid]]`]]

    lidFullname snippet:
    if(isset($lid)&&is_numeric($lid)){ $gebruiker = $lid;}
    $profile = $modx->getObject('modUserProfile', $gebruiker);
        $fullname = "Onbekend";
        $fullname = $profile->get('fullname');
    return $fullname;
    [ed. note: mintnl last edited this post 7 years, 7 months ago.]
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