Any ideas anyone? Will it need to be a database cut and paste job?
I'm on vacation in the wilds of southern France right now, so I don't have access to a MODX DB, but I think this will be fairly tricky. I'm guessing there is a table for the Quip comments and a separate table connecting the comments to an article.
If I'm right, you could move just the comments, but they would no longer be connected to their articles. If you move both the comments and the intersects, the comments might not be connected to the right articles, unless the IDs of the articles themselves are exactly the same on both sites.
Thanks Bob. Yeh, that was my plan - hoping to get PHPMyAdmin access to the site DBs soon so I can take a peek... I guess there is no other way of doing this without actually adding in the comments again using the add comment form!
Hi Bob, think easiest way is to create the comments in the front end - copying from the other site, then in the PHP My Admin - tweak the details of each comment to use the real comment authors email / website details etc...