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    I hope this will be obvious to someone. I'm drawing a blank.

    My Manager just started getting really flaky on a localhost install, and when I looked at the Network tab, every Extra that operates in the Manager is adding a prefix of 'manager/' when looking for its assets (.css and .js files).

    The Ace JS file, for example, is at:

    But it's being looked for (and not found), here:

    This is happening with Ace, TinyMCE, ControlErrorLog, Articles, Quip, and a few others -- basically, every plugin that's connected to loading a Manager page. It's not happening in the front end. When I tried writing the assets path to the error log inside the Ace class init method, it's correct.

    The paths and URLs in config.inc.php are all correct.
    Manually clearing the cache has no effect.
    Setup doesn't help.
    Reinstalling the extras doesn't help.

    I've been making a lot of changes to the site, but almost all are in CSS or page content. I can't think of anything I might have done that would cause this.

    Any ideas appreciated.

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    • It looks a bit like MODX_BASEURL contains the manager path for some reason. You could also look into the namespace settings for the extras.