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    • 36760
    • 136 Posts
    Is there a way to show all MIGXdb entries regardless of the page they were added on? For example, if I add an entry while editing page ID 5, can I have that entry show up while editing any other page that has the same MIGXdb TV? Right now the entry will only show up when editing page ID 5.

    I've tried removing "resource_id" from the database, but that causes nothing to show up. Even if I add new entries after removing it.

    I'm new to MIGXdb, so maybe I missed something in the documents, but nothing has stuck out at me. I was also getting an HTTP 500 error when trying to search the forums, but I'll try that again later.

    Thanks for the help!

    This question has been answered by Bruno17. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      In the config under migxdb-settings, there is 'check resource'
      When you set this to 'no' the grid will show all records, but then, it doesn't fill the resource_id, when creating new records.
      There are ways to set the correct resource_id, if needed, also when 'check resoource' is off.

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX

