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    • 52632
    • 2 Posts
    Hi there,

    my customer still has a 0.9.6 version of ModX running as CMS System. Can I upgrade it the normal way or wouldn't that work? With normal way I mean merging the new modx files into my directories.
    If not, do you guys have a good idea how to do that the best?

      • 22840
      • 1,572 Posts
      BobRay has written GoRevo to simplify the upgrade which is $15 and well worth the money considering the amount of time it will save you

        • 3749
        • 24,544 Posts
        The "normal" way definitely won't work for a number of reasons -- mainly because the config and database structure is very different for Revolution.

        Using that method will make quite a mess of the site. You could do it by installing a fresh version of Revolution, cutting and pasting everything, creating all users from scratch, and then manually attaching the related objects, but it's very complicated and time-consuming.

        If you do use GoRevo, I should mention that it hasn't been tested with MODX 2.5.0. I think it will work, but if you want to play it safe, install 2.3.0, import with GoRevo, then use the UpgradeMODX extra to upgrade to 2.4.0, then 2.5.0, then 2.5.1.
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