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    I'm pleased to announce that Structures, previously code-named Project Tutor, is officially out.

    Beautiful Content in MODX Made Simple

    Structures makes creating beautiful content in MODX simple. Whether you're documenting a new application, breaking down complex layouts into simple structural elements for non-technical content authors, or sharing a wealth of information with the world, you'll find working with Structures refreshingly straightforward.

    Who is it for?

    Structures was built to simplify the creation of complex layouts for Front-end Developers and to make it very easy for Content Publishers to create beautiful and well-structured content in MODX.


    • Custom Manager Resources (CMR) - works seamlessly with existing setup
    • Expandable Quick Start Buttons
    • Drag & drop to reorder structures
    • Shrink/expand, duplicate and delete structures on the fly
    • Powerful Markdown and Rich Text edit modes
    • Sample structural elements (content snippets)
    • Sample front-end template
    • Easily customizable via template properties and property sets


    Please test it and report any issues, feature request and feedback you may have.

    donshakespeare, treigh
      A MODx Fanatic
      • 42562
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        TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
        Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
        5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.
        • 30585
        • 833 Posts
        @ojchris, thanks for checking in!

        Those gifs are easy to create. First you need a screen recorder -- on Mac, QuickTime wil do this for you. Then you'll just have to convert your video to gif. I used a command line tool, but this one works just as well => https://cloudconvert.com/mp4-to-anything

        Structures is a great tool for content creators. With very minimal setup, your end users will be having lots fun time using it.

        We put together a simple user guide to get you started: http://tutor.kleverr.modxcloud.com/structures

        We'll have some additional use case tutorials in the days and weeks to come. Please post any questions you have. We'll try to address them as best as possible.

          A MODx Fanatic
          • 42562
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          First off - Thank you for the labour of love!

          Can I learn how to create animated GIF? What or how did you create these previews?

          Does this cater for purely Documentation of MODx or is also for creating Content (even for end-users)? Is it strictly for Developers (back or front) or for every MODx user: Developers and their website end-users (e.g. editors, etc)? If yes then this is miraculous.

          I find it's too much work for Editors to have to find a way to upload picture files into the file system and then navigate the file tree to select the particular picture or document they need to attach to a TV.

          Keep the update and response coming. Weldone!

          Does this cater for purely Documentation of MODx or is also for creating Content (even for end-users)? I
          Structures uses MODX templates as cartridges. It ships with a Tutorial Cartridge, a default theme!
          This Tutorial/Documentation cartridge/template is beyond awesome. Now MODX has its own documentation tool.

          You will be able to easily design your own cartridge, your own template and toss it right into Structures to satisfy yours and your client's needs.
            TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
            Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
            5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.
            • 36924 ☆ A M B ☆
            • 298 Posts
            Now that's AWESOME!!!!!
              • 42562
              • 1,145 Posts
              Exciting night, last night in Structures Land

              # Structures 2.0.0-beta2 (September 18, 2016)
              The first release was a mere teaser. Folks, welcome to Structures - one month old!

              # List of exciting features

              + Ability to use Structures to do exactly what you used to do before (new feature - pureContent)
              + Complete intuitive Keyboard shortcut control
              + Addition of two new brilliant themes: Lector and Slate
              + Support for ANY HTML Markup (with refined simplicity)
              + Click or Drag n' Drop from Structures Tree into content
              + Smooth and sleek sorting.
              + Single/Multiple selecting of structures - for rapid management
              + Selective or Complete Clear All
              + Each structure can now have a title

              # Beyond Awesome

              + *Ace* with all its power has been introduced to cater for Markdown syntax highlighting.
              + *Auto Import* of any content to be broken up into several structures or simply compiled into one. Do it manually, or simply open the resource (auto structured and saved) ... voila!
              + *Auto Upload on Image Data Paste or Drag n' Drop* this is pure awesome, period! From clipboard to server in milliseconds ...

              # Roadmap

              + Search/categorize structures - with goto/sendto functionality
              + Complete frontend solution
              + Detail github wiki page
              + Create more fantastic themes for MODX - powered by Structures
              + Create ready-made chunks of HTML structures and editor settings
              + Utilize the power of PHP domdocument in snippet
              + Extend Markdown Parser
                TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
                Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
                5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.
                • 38323
                • 26 Posts
                Love it! Looks somewhat like 'Contentblocks'. Needs some more configurations to set it up, but sure like the way it works.
                  • 42562
                  • 1,145 Posts
                  Thanks vlijmscherp
                  You are correct: 'Contentblocks' and Structures are part of the much wider concept of Content Blocking/Building.

                  Let the community know how you are using it.

                    TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
                    Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
                    5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.
                    • 42562
                    • 1,145 Posts
                    Welcome, Structures 3.0-beta1

                    Very very exciting features

                    Please let me know if you encounter any issues

                    Changelog file for Structures extra.

                    # Structures 3.0.0-beta1 (November 8, 2016)
                    Hi, I am Structures 3.0 - your best Content Building Tool. And I am only three months old!

                    # List of exciting new features

                    - one click, create gallery from File Browser
                    - one click, create gallery from File Tree
                    - one click, create gallery directly from Server
                    - you can attach a main gallery to current Resource via your TV (xtype: textarea, text, [avoid hidden xtype for now])
                    - you can attach a gallery to each block/structure via chunk from Element Tree by means of block Title tv22, ch43
                    - The onboard Gallery Manager can create real physical thumbnails for you at designated places with all kinds of size settings. /Yourfolder/thumb/ andOr /Yourfolder/thumb200x100/ andOr /Yourfolder/thumb200/ etc
                    - The Gallery can produce unlimited patterns of HTML output to fit your frontend plugins

                    + STRUCTURES NEW BEHAVIOUR
                    - ADDED replacement to getChunk in Structures Plugin - 50% boost in speed. Note! MODX tags in *st_structures* chunk are preserved and not rendered, so is the case with many other chunks
                    - ADDED Structures Menu button, commented out the old buttons next to MODX Save/Duplicate etc buttons
                    In *st.save_buttons* chunk find `<td class="x-toolbar-cell" id="tinyBlocksButtonHolder"></td>`
                    To add a Gallery button for your client, just uncomment it in that chunk

                    - ADDED ability to use Structures without creating extra TABS in your Resource Content (sweeeeeeet!)
                    This was possible only for Element Tree by specifying *sidebar_tab_title* to hidden
                    Now you can specify *content_tab_title* to hidden, and Structures will use your original Content Area instead (how about that huh!?!!)

                    - ADDED new Structure/block: Nested Structures! (nesting is now supported - ideal for whatever).

                    - ADDED MarkdownE as default Markdown parser for Structures Snippet, instead of the ParsedownE. Structures Snippet classnames cleanup is highly rustic at this time.

                    - CHANGES to Template Properties
                    Renamed customPset to StructuresCustomPset
                    *standByStructure* : use this to provide a default structure editor to show when Resource Content is empty. Note! this will replace that HELP content that shows by default
                    *defaultGalleryTVid* : you can now bind a Resource TV to your Structures Gallery Manager (kbd = g + t)
                    *randomTips* : provide random tips for your clients to show per page-reload in Structures tree, and to pop it use (kbd = r + t)
                    - ADDED some new keyboard shortcuts: for gallery, random tip etc etc
                    - Experimentally removed default shrinking of structures/blocks on page load (tell me if you don't like it)

                    + CLEAN UP (MODX Elements and Assets Files)
                    - REMOVED Slate and Lector Templates - with all respective belongings (now just Structures Template): these themes, as all other templates and thirdparty plugins, will ship independently - so roll your sleeves and start contributing!!!

                    - REMOVED all classname options from Template Property (but if you add them manually, the custom options will be respected)

                    - RENAMED TV StructuresCMR to Structures

                    - CONCATENATED AND MINIFIED all essential JS and CSS files.
                    Final JS file is *structures_all.min.js* ... please build yours for advanced usage
                    Final CSS file is *structures_all.min.css*
                    tinymce_plugins.js rightfully renamed to donshakepeare_tinymce.min.js (please build yours from github.com/donShakespeare/)

                    + TINYMCE UBERNESS
                    - New Official Structures skin: Hamlet, the Lovable!
                    - Updated and reworked most of my TinyMCE plugins (find them at github.com/donShakespeare/)
                    - Features tinymceBubbleBar 2.0 with multiple floating toolbars: Selection and New Line toolbars (for both RTE and MDE)

                    + And the rest history
                      TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
                      Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
                      5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.
                      • 42562
                      • 1,145 Posts
                      Some exciting images of Structures 3.0
                      In simplicity there is a great strength

                        TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
                        Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
                        5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.