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    • 28432
    • 372 Posts
    All the website i made with MODX are available with and without URL rewrite.
    Is this should be a problem for SEO ?
    Don't you think this will be consider as a duplicate content ?
    What can we do to resolved it and to force to rewrite all pages ?
      • 22840
      • 1,572 Posts
      Try Bobray's Canonical addon http://modx.com/extras/package/canonical
        • 28432
        • 372 Posts
        Thanks for reply @Paulp but i think you don't answer my question.

        1. This extra will not force to rewrite the URL like www.website.tld?index.php?id=1 to www.website.tld
        2. This extra will be execute only for Symlinks and what about Resources ? ID one in my example is a resource.
        3. This can be done with a simply short code inserted in the Head like this :
        <link rel="canonical" href="[[~[[*id]]? &scheme=`full`]]" />

        If you want to execute the code only on Symlink you just have to test the Class Key : class_key
        - modDocument (for normal Resources)
        - modSymLink
        - modWebLink
        - modStaticResource

        So my question is : Is it possible to force the URL rewrite if someone try to access page like this ?