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    When SimpleSearch (v.1.9.2-pl - latest by the moment) snippet called with &useAllWords=1 and &includeTVs=0 (this is default value) error
    [2016-07-20 21:58:05] (ERROR @ /sitehome/core/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 240) Error 42S22 executing statement: 
        [0] => 42S22
        [1] => 1054
        [2] => Unknown column 'TemplateVarResources.value' in 'where clause'

    occurs. Suppose the reason is that 'TemplateVarResources.value' is addes in 'where' clause without checking "&includeTVs". See line 124 in 'simplesearchdriverbasic.class.php':
    $whereArray[] = array('TemplateVarResources.value:LIKE', $term, xPDOQuery::SQL_OR, $whereGroup);

    Bug? If so I suggest to change this line to:
    if ($includeTVs) $whereArray[] = array('TemplateVarResources.value:LIKE', $term, xPDOQuery::SQL_OR, $whereGroup);