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    • 37523
    • 141 Posts
    Is there a extra which will add a notepad or to do list to the Dashboard?

    If not, how would I go about creating something like this.

    Would love to have someway to create notes for a website that may appear on the dashboard. It would help with tracking progress of a site and such.

    This question has been answered by vigilante. See the first response.

      Glyn Szasz
      Sydney, Australia

      Happy to help (when can) and happy to learn

      If you are a Sydney based MODX developer would love to hear from you. Please contact me.
    • discuss.answer
      • 38850
      • 110 Posts
      Easy peasy.

      Adding Dashboard widgets is built in to the UI. Go to the gear menu and choose Dashboard.
      You should already be on the widgets tab, so click Create New Widget.
      Give it a name which will become the name seen on the dashboard, such as "Site ToDo List" or whatever. A description is nice too.
      Next choose the HTML widget type. Under Size, select "Double".

      Where it says Widget Content, you can place any HTML you want. For my experiment, I created a todo list on flask.io. When you begin a list there, it creates a unique URL. Copy that URL and place it in an iframe in the content box, it should look something like this:

      <iframe src="http://flask.io/##########" width="100%" height="800"></iframe>

      Now save the widget and then click Close.

      Back on the main screen again, click the Dashboards tab. Right-click Default and choose Update. Click the Place Widget button and select your widget.

      The widget will be added to the bottom of the list, but you can drag them around to sort. I moved mine to the top of the list to be rank position 1.
      Then click Save again.

      OK now you've created a widget and placed it on the default dashboard. The widget is an HTML widget which uses an iframe to load a flask.io list.
      You should be able to go to the dashboard and see it show up.

      This is the simplest list idea I could come up with. You can try using the iframe trick to load some other page. I attempted to do this with a Google Doc, and an Evernote note, but neither worked. Or you can even create your OWN MODX Resource which is a custom todo list, and load that.

      Note also you can do a widget that will load a file, or load a normal snippet, or even strait PHP! You don't have to use the HTML option if you have a nice snippet todo list instead.
      With the flask.io list, you can also set the size to half and since it's a responsive site, will still look nice.

      The sky is the limit. I bet with a little time, someone could create a todo list snippet using some ajax and PHP and it wouldn't be too complex. After all, todo lists are often one of the first and most simple apps people learn to program!

      Good luck! [ed. note: vigilante last edited this post 7 years, 10 months ago.]
        • 37523
        • 141 Posts
        @vigilante many thanks for your help. What a simple and easy solution. Even though I have been using MODX for many years there is always more to learn and surprise. Nice elegant solution.
          Glyn Szasz
          Sydney, Australia

          Happy to help (when can) and happy to learn

          If you are a Sydney based MODX developer would love to hear from you. Please contact me.