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  • Edited alias field using phpmyadmin but front end still using old alias:

    • I changed several dozen pagetitles, longtitles and aliases using phpmyadmin
    • Noticed that the front end was still using the old alias although the page titles and long titles had updated.
    • In the manager I opened a few of the edited pages to check if the new aliases were showing, they were.
    • Re-saved the pages through the manager hoping that would fix it. (Had to delete and re-type a character in order to activate the Save button.)
      No luck.
    • Throughout this process I repeatedly cleared the cache, flushed permissions, logged out and in of the manager, refreshed phpmyadmin, closed phpmyadmin, cleared the browser cache...

    So now I have a database and manager pages that show new alias names, but a front end that is using the old alias names. If I manually type one of the new aliases in the browser it is not found. Not understanding how the information stored in the manager and database can be ignored; I have to assume the aliases are stored somewhere else. How do I access this and push the change?

    • Revolution 2.2.2-pl (advanced)
    • PHP Version 5.2.17
    • MySQL Version: 5.1.66 community log
    • Installed MODX Add-ons: CodeMirror, Gallery, GetResources, SimpleSearch, TinyMCE, WayFinder
    • Error Log Contents: [2012-11-16 09:26:13] (ERROR @ /connectors/resource/locks.php) xPDO->removeObject - Error deleting modDbRegisterMessage instance using query DELETE FROM `modx_register_messages` WHERE ( `modx_register_messages`.`topic` = 1 AND `modx_register_messages`.`id` = 'c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39' )

    This question has been answered by pixelchutes. See the first response.

      Lucy Iannotti
      Following Sea design & development
      New Bedford, MA
    • Try manually deleting all the folders in the core/cache/ folder.
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      • Thanks Susan, I fully expected that to work. Strangely, it didn't. I tried twice.

        So far the only thing I've found that works is to open each resource in the manager, type a different new alias, save it, then re-enter the new alias I had inputted through phpmyadmin, and save again. Simply saving the new alias that is already in the resource page doesn't work, I assume because it doesn't register as a change...?

        I had hoped to avoid opening and saving each resource through the manager - the page reload drives me batty and with dozens of changes to make it's maddening.
          Lucy Iannotti
          Following Sea design & development
          New Bedford, MA
        • Could it be another cache folder, other than those in core?
            Lucy Iannotti
            Following Sea design & development
            New Bedford, MA
          • discuss.answer
            Quote from: lucy at Nov 16, 2012, 08:36 PM
            Could it be another cache folder, other than those in core?


            Since MODx Revolution, there is a new `uri` column on the `modx_site_content` table. Unfortunately, changing the alias directly in the database and clearing the cache does not seem to refresh the configured URI for your resources.

            I can't find my original post, but basically I found one way to regenerate the URIs via the MODx Manager, and that by following these steps:

            1. Go to System > System Settings
            2. Search for friendly_urls setting.
            3. Change it to No, and wait for it to complete.
            4. Change it back to Yes.

            You should see that the URI column has been regenerated with any new alias or parent hierarchy changes made via the database directly. cool
              Mike Reid - www.pixelchutes.com
              MODx Ambassador / Contributor
              [Module] MultiMedia Manager / [Module] SiteSearch / [Snippet] DocPassword / [Plugin] EditArea / We support FoxyCart
              Where every pixel matters.
            • Thanks Mike, that did the trick!

              Now that you mention it, I remember seeing the URI column while I was editing records in phpmyadmin and was mildly curious that it couldn't be edited from there. I figured it would take care of itself once MODX refreshed everything. I guess I shouldn't have been so optimistic!

              Was your original post in these forums? Because I did a fair bit of searching here before posting my question and couldn't come up with anything related...
                Lucy Iannotti
                Following Sea design & development
                New Bedford, MA
              • Quote from: lucy at Nov 16, 2012, 11:17 PM
                Thanks Mike, that did the trick!
                Was your original post in these forums? Because I did a fair bit of searching here before posting my question and couldn't come up with anything related...

                You're quite welcome!

                Yes, it was in these forums, and I have been looking everywhere for that post... it almost seems like it is lost.

                Nevertheless, it was related to the
                method that gets triggered when friendly_urls is set on, and I recall @opengeek even replied suggesting it be added as feature in the MODx Manager menu.

                Glad it worked!

                Feature request added! http://tracker.modx.com/issues/9129 [ed. note: pixelchutes last edited this post 11 years, 6 months ago.]
                  Mike Reid - www.pixelchutes.com
                  MODx Ambassador / Contributor
                  [Module] MultiMedia Manager / [Module] SiteSearch / [Snippet] DocPassword / [Plugin] EditArea / We support FoxyCart
                  Where every pixel matters.