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  • I have decided to open this topic due to ongoing conversation on Twitter and amongst other devs. I have been one of those who would like to see a change in the way how MODX manager is handles in the next big iteration. I feel current implementation feels slow, bloated and has a very steep learning curve. I feel this has been a put-off for developers, this is the reason why MODX has less addons and we have less contribution to those addons, because only a few elites are able to get their head around how ExtJS works.

    I like the fact that once you get your head around it, it becomes easier, I like that it creates a UI that is standard amongst each addon. But even with all this comes a cost and I feel my DOM is way too heavy for the benefits to be justified.

    Let me hear your thoughts on this. Do note I am not saying rid ExtJS completely, but please do provide an alternative.
      • 30319
      • 406 Posts
      new forums looks nice
      p'raps an incremental approach??
      1) biggest pain points, how fix??
      2) then do improvements??
      good luck everyone??
        • 40706
        • 128 Posts
        I really like the MODx manager, the drag & drop of Resources is really sweet.
        Also the drag & drop of snippets to quick lookup parameters.

        Unlikely its really slow in some kinds. Especially when the resource tree reloads when it seams to be not needed. And sometimes the tree cannot be permanently collapsed anymore. After every reload then big amounts of folders are opened again.

        I also like that its basically easy to add some manager funktions to the manager. But if it should be 100% systemlikely with Ext it becomes hard.
        • Ext does have some drawbacks, not to mention the steep learning curve; the dom gets gets bloated with endless div tags, and the UI is somewhat limited, but I think the latter is as much of a blessing as a drawback.

          Whatever UI framework is used, I think its a good thing to make the elements available somewhat limited. This ensures that developers building custom components all draw from a pool of the same widgets, rather than creating their own each time, giving the mgr interface a conformity and consistancy that means that you can instantly recognise how to use a new interface.

          I also really like Ext's ability to create chains of derivitave classes and extending pre-existing components with just a few lines of code. I think this is one of the main plus points for ext, greatly speeding up development time.

          I'm not adverse to changing frameworks, but I think it would need a lot of discussion before everyone opts for jQuery 'coz we already know it'
          • The resource tree on the left, Needs to be completely overhauled IMO. Although it does look nice and fancy - I don't want to waste my time waiting for it all to redraw after simply switching tabs or saving a document. Plus not to mention the amount of "i cant see the tree" posts going around.
              GEL STUDIOS
              MODX Professional | MODX Ambassador

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              • 22427
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              Quote from: gelstudios at Nov 14, 2012, 09:08 AM
              The resource tree on the left, Needs to be completely overhauled IMO. Although it does look nice and fancy - I don't want to waste my time waiting for it all to redraw after simply switching tabs or saving a document. Plus not to mention the amount of "i cant see the tree" posts going around.
              I fully agree.
              • Quote from: alanpich at Nov 14, 2012, 08:09 AM
                Ext does have some drawbacks, not to mention the steep learning curve; the dom gets gets bloated with endless div tags, and the UI is somewhat limited, but I think the latter is as much of a blessing as a drawback.

                Whatever UI framework is used, I think its a good thing to make the elements available somewhat limited. This ensures that developers building custom components all draw from a pool of the same widgets, rather than creating their own each time, giving the mgr interface a conformity and consistancy that means that you can instantly recognise how to use a new interface.

                I also really like Ext's ability to create chains of derivitave classes and extending pre-existing components with just a few lines of code. I think this is one of the main plus points for ext, greatly speeding up development time.

                I'm not adverse to changing frameworks, but I think it would need a lot of discussion before everyone opts for jQuery 'coz we already know it'

                I think you have some good points here and as valid as they are there are trade-offs, personally I think the trade-offs are cost way more than the validity of the points. To your point about consistent UI, I think its fair to say ExpressionEngine addons are very consistent and they are html, css and javascript (jQuery framework in use).

                You could always create an API for chained derivitave and also extend existing components, these are all points which can be addressed, after all javascript is a object oriented language.

                Everyone will go for what they know and beyond this, people will go for what is easy to learn. ExtJS steep learning curve will throw any seasoned Javascript developer off, how much more those who have a bit of experience with Javascript.

                ExtJS might provide some really nice UI elements and easy to use Ajaxy things but I like most other devs who are from a frontend background like to have control over the amount of divs that get nested just to create a element on the page.

                Right now there are other CMSes which allow for easy addon development due to the fact that they are not using a framework that builds the UI for them, which is overcomplicated and doesn't have a easy learning curve.

                Something that bothers me about ExtJS also is their licensing, I am not sure at what point a addon I am working on becomes commercial, I somewhat think that if I were to create a addon and start selling it and it makes me alot of money I would be subjected to ExtJS license fee. This has never been clarified through all the forum posts that I have read.
                  • 39194
                  • 149 Posts
                  Hello guys. First of all, I would like to intoduce my new Plugin, wich helps to avoid some boring things as tree reloading: here is it.

                  And, what do you think about this avesome framework: http://demo.qooxdoo.org/current/widgetbrowser/
                  I think qooxdoo would be nice replacement of ExtJS!
                  • Hm. Looks interesting. Much less confusing license, at any rate. http://qooxdoo.org/license

                    And editable tables. http://demo.qooxdoo.org/devel/playground/#Table-ria
                    tableModel.setColumnEditable(1, true);
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                    • Might just be my old 'droid, but the qooxdoo demo linked above doesn't function with a touchscreen. Instant write-off imho as I think responsiveness and touch support are two very important factors in any proposed new UI