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    • 36446
    • 184 Posts
    Thanks again for this great snippet! I really enjoy using it and the support by patrick is very good!!

    I have 2 of feature requests that could be really helpfull for many people:

    1. Categories for Stores. So you could easily add more than one store locator on your websites or use it for larger lists.

    2. Add the address and a Google Maps to your ressource documents. (detail view). Now you have to do all the work twice. First add your location to the store locator / Second add the same information to the ressource document.

      https://www.beautyislife-shop.de - premium make-up!
      https://www.topsterne.de - sell it here!
      • 1887
      • 50 Posts
      Having a play and like the snippet so far.

      Four things would be useful for the premium version:

      1) Pull the address out of one of the TV's for the longitude and latitude so that the address only needs to be done once

      2) Option in the admin to process all subpages and add them to the database

      3) Ability to create a custom market image from a company logo by adding pin drop graphics with shadow

      4) Option to use miles rather than km

      Otherwise love it.

      Kind regards

        • 19328
        • 433 Posts
        [Update: partly solved, read below]
        There is something weird going on with my StoreLocator. I installed it through packet manager, copied the example code from the RTFM, and added some locations (generated by the address-function in StoreLocator; eg somewhere in the Netherlands: long 4.579994 lat 51.913953).

        The strange thing is; the markers don't show up on the map! The map is shown, but it is empty. I checked and tried a lot of things, but could not find a solution. The markers (stores) are shown in the storeList beneath the map, and when I click on a store from the storeList, it will point me to a location on the map which is way from the location I have set (thousands kilometres away). (If you are wondering; the location where I am pointed to is also not marked on the map, so it's not just me using wrong long/lat coordinates)

        Can anyone "point me in the right direction"?

        MODX 2.2.6
        StoreLocator 1.1.0

        After a long search I found out that the stores are not shown on the map because I had set my 'locale' (see system settings) to 'nl_NL'. This locale setting will automatically change the dot (.) in a coordinate to a comma, like: 51.913953 to 51,913953. And than Google Maps don't know what to do with it because it expect a dotted coordinate. So, after changing the locale to 'en' or 'nl', the stores are shown on the map again!

        I'm still having the problem that my server (CentOS 5.5) requires 'nl_NL' as locale value, not just 'nl'. So, setting the locale of MODX to Dutch is not possible. A temporary fix is to use 'en' locale, and use a snippet to set the locale for the dates, like this:

        [[+publishedon:setLocale:strtotime:date=`%e %B %Y`]]

        Snippet setLocale:

        So, to Scherp Ontwikkeling; please fix StoreLocator so it's usable when locale is set to nl_NL, or something similar smiley

        Filed as bug here: https://github.com/b03tz/StoreLocator/issues/13

        [ed. note: michelle84 last edited this post 11 years ago.]
          • 38157
          • 9 Posts
          Hi guys.

          Thank you for this awesome add-on. Unfortunately I have the tiniest problem.

          When storeInfoWindowTpl is rendering [[*pagetitle]], [[*longtitle]] or [[*description]] my encoding is messed up.
          I'm using international characters (I'm from Croatia and my db has utf8_general_ci collation) and everything looks great except in InfoWindow when I click the location on the map. Even [[+StoreLocator.storeList]] does not have any issues with encoding.

          I believe I can tweak something in the snippet but I'll rather wait for the answer ;-)


          Sinisa Perovic
            • 36613
            • 328 Posts
            I create a marker with this lat and lang: 135.49919,34.689424 (Osaka Japan).
            In the text field if i search Osaka i found marker, but if i search Japan don't found marker. Help me
              • 36613
              • 328 Posts
              Quote from: cristianb88 at Oct 23, 2013, 10:24 AM
              I create a marker with this lat and lang: 135.49919,34.689424 (Osaka Japan).
              In the text field if i search Osaka i found marker, but if i search Japan don't found marker. Help me
              I solved the problem, the problem was the value of "radius".
                • 36613
                • 328 Posts
                Quote from: cristianb88 at Oct 24, 2013, 03:31 PM
                Quote from: cristianb88 at Oct 23, 2013, 10:24 AM
                I create a marker with this lat and lang: 135.49919,34.689424 (Osaka Japan).
                In the text field if i search Osaka i found marker, but if i search Japan don't found marker. Help me
                I solved the problem, the problem was the value of "radius".

                You think it is possbile to have a "dynamic radius." In my site I have a dropdown with all the various country. When one selects a country I start the search query in the field and I'll put the name of the nation.
                But the problem is that if I use the radius value 250 if I try as a country and or Italy Japan I find the markers in that country, but if I put USA I can not find all the markers of that nation so in this case for example of using the radius should be larger.
                  • 9342
                  • 50 Posts
                  Hi all,

                  First of, this is a very useful snippet; thanks for all your work. I'm working on a project that there are many store locations and thinking about using this snippet. However there are a few things that I like to add;

                  1. Store type; so I can call this snippet in each different pages based on the store types (i.e. restaurants / cafe / bars).

                  2. I'd like the default result will show based on the Geo IP, so the user will see the closest stores first. I know that this can be done at http://codecanyon.net/item/super-store-finder/3630922 but I don't know if any one can apply to this snippet.

                  I'd like to support your premium version too, if these two features can be added. Cheers.

                    • 44165
                    • 20 Posts
                    Quote from: jaredloman at Dec 22, 2012, 05:10 AM
                    Quote from: [email protected] at Dec 22, 2012, 12:29 AM
                    Hi Jared, I tried putting your version in, used the parameters in the store locator call to process and include TVs, but no luck.

                    Hey there,

                    I haven't tested this extensively but it seemed to be working at least in the most basic scenario (text and image tv). Is there anything in your error log worth noting in regards to this?

                    I should also mention that unless you adjust it with a parameter, the default prefix for TV values is "tv." so [[+tv.your_tv_name]].

                    I would suggest trying this with a simple text tv to ensure it's up and running and "&includeTVs=`1` &processTVs=`0` &prepareTVs=`0`" to see if you at least get the raw values.

                    Also, I'm not sure if you are using the regular or premium version of the snippet, but the uploaded pull request is for the regular version only. Of course you could pick out the code changes and apply them to the premium version if you have it.

                    Lastly, in regards to your question on the number of stores... there is a &limit parameter that can be used to reduce this. Of course this would also affect the results shown on the map... Not sure what your situation is, but the snippet could be modified to produce a message if the search returned a higher number of results than the limit (i.e. Your search returned to many results. Try narrowing your search more to a particular location) or something like that.

                    Best of luck,
                    No luck here either. I'm trying to include TV's in the sl.infowindow.tpl. I have replaced my core/components/storelocator/elements/snippets/snippet.storelocator.php with the one you added TV functionality to. My TV's are set on the store location resource. My storeLocator call is:
                    [[!StoreLocator? &includeTVs=`1` &processTVs=`1` &prepareTVs=`1`&searchZoom=`10` &zoom=`7` &width=`640` &height=`480` ]]
                    My sl.infowindow.tpl:
                    <div class="storelocator-marker">
                    <a href="[[~[[+id]]]]" title="[[+pagetitle]]">[[%storelocator.click_to_view]]</a>

                    When viewing the location, i get the pagetitle, [[+tv.my_tv_1]] [[+tv.my_tv_2]] and the click to view link. Am I missing something? Shouldn't the infowindow be displaying the TV's?
                    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! This is a great plug in!

                    *edit* Never mind...I changed the snippet.storelocator.php with the modified one, but not the actual file in the file tree. Swapped that, and it works great! Thanks! [ed. note: chenrupo last edited this post 10 years, 3 months ago.]
                      • 36613
                      • 328 Posts
                      Moving my site in a new server, but store locator maps doesn't work.