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    • 47580
    • 1 Posts
    On both the developer's site and on the rtfm page, it says download and install through the package manager. I've set modx.com as my source in the package manager, but cannot locate the package using the search or thumbing through the results manually. Has this been pulled? Is there another source I need to add? Also, going to github, there's no 'readme' or any such, or a .transport.zip file to manually install.

    Any suggestions?
      • 19328
      • 433 Posts
      It should be in the package manager, just checked.

      You can manually download the package here: http://modx.com/extras/package/storelocator (upload to core/packages)
        • 39501
        • 163 Posts
        Hi everybody

        Before I install this package - what would be the best way to import data into this plugin? We have over 1,000 stores, and don't fancy having to add each one manually!

        Any tips would be great.
          • 36613
          • 328 Posts
          Quote from: jonleverrier at Jun 02, 2014, 10:37 AM
          Hi everybody

          Before I install this package - what would be the best way to import data into this plugin? We have over 1,000 stores, and don't fancy having to add each one manually!

          Any tips would be great.
          For import store, i create e custom php import file.
            • 36613
            • 328 Posts
            Hi i have more sotore with special character in pagetitle exampe: "Caffè"
            But i see this marker title: "Caffè "
              • 44165
              • 20 Posts
              I have gotten a lot of mileage out of this great ad-on, so thank you! One feature that would be really great would be the ability for the store list links to not only center their location on the map, but also open that location's info window. Basically somehow add the open info window function to the store list output's 'onClick'
              'onclick' => 'storeLocatorMap.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng('.$store->get('latitude').', '.$store->get('longitude').')); storeLocatorMap.setZoom('.$storeZoom.');'

              For someone who knows more than myself, this seems like it should be pretty easy to achieve.
              Please, if anyone can help me out with this, I would be very appreciative!
              Thank you.
                • 47408
                • 1 Posts
                How do I install storelocator premium in Modx Revo 2.2.14 ...
                I've tried the "About" but I have no results ..
                  • 41563
                  • 3 Posts

                  Hi i have more sotore with special character in pagetitle exampe: "Caffè"
                  But i see this marker title: "Caffè "

                  I have the same problem with special characters.
                  The scrollbar does not work as I add more stores.
                  Any suggestions?
                  Thank You
                    • 41563
                    • 3 Posts
                      • 36686
                      • 165 Posts
                      StoreLocator is very close to what I'm looking for, but what I'm trying to build is a locator for things other than stores, and I want end users to be able to add locations themselves. So, I have a few questions:

                      1. How can I make the form for adding stores (or in my case locations) available in the front end? Perhaps formit2db, or is there a better way of doing it?

                      2. I don't want to create a resource for each store. Can I instead use the same resource for all stores and generate the content by using variables in the template? Something like [[+store.location]]? How would I make this work?

                      3. Would it be possible to have a list of towns which one can click to get a list of all stores in that particular town? Or somehow get the search box to work without having to type a complete address, but just the town?