<![CDATA[ MODx.FormPanel & Drag/Drop - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=86823 <![CDATA[MODx.FormPanel & Drag/Drop]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/86823/modx-formpanel-drag-drop#dis-post-478552
MODx Revolution 2.2.7 traditional

I'm having a problem to get the Drag/Drop feature working with my CMP. All I get is the icon telling me something like: "You can't drop that thing here, not supported, not allowed".
The docs aren't really a big kind of help, because everything mentioned there says that it's built-in functionality.

CMP.panel.PANEL = function(config) {
    config = config || {};
    Ext.applyIf(config, {
        id: 'cmp-panel-panel-id'
        ,items: [{
            xtype: 'modx-combo'
            ,url: CONNECTOR_URL
            ,baseParams: {
                action: 'ACTION'

Ext.extend(CMP.panel.PANEL, MODx.FormPanel, {

I walked through some relevant MODx ExtJS files which are used to build / create FormPanels, but haven't found a hint on how to get it working. Additionally I haven't found a component yet to allow Drag/Drop functionality via a MODx.FormPanel.

Strange thing: When creating a MODx.Window which automatically has a form included I am able to drop any element/resource/file from the tree on any field.

Any hint, trick, help is really appreciated.]]>
herooutoftime Sep 24, 2013, 07:51 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/86823/modx-formpanel-drag-drop#dis-post-478552
<![CDATA[Re: MODx.FormPanel & Drag/Drop]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/86823/modx-formpanel-drag-drop#dis-post-480122
got it solved.
Ext.extend(CMP.panel.PANEL, MODx.FormPanel
        setup: function() {

Firing the 'ready' event did the trick. Should have looked closer into MODx.FormPanel...]]>
herooutoftime Oct 12, 2013, 05:36 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/86823/modx-formpanel-drag-drop#dis-post-480122