<![CDATA[ AjaxSearch order by TV ERROR - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=76944 <![CDATA[Re: AjaxSearch order by TV ERROR]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/76944/ajaxsearch-order-by-tv-error#dis-post-425418
Is it possible to order the values of the ajaxsearch on a TV?
Yes. See http://www.evo.wangba.fr/index.php?id=500

I was hopping that AjaxSearch would build the query in a way that get the researchPublicationDate TV as a column.
For this you need to use the withTvs parameter.
Instead of


withTvs add the TV value as field in the sql request. tvPhx add the TV value as new field result AFTER the sql request]]>
coroico May 31, 2012, 04:23 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/76944/ajaxsearch-order-by-tv-error#dis-post-425418
<![CDATA[AjaxSearch order by TV ERROR]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/76944/ajaxsearch-order-by-tv-error#dis-post-425299
Is it possible to order the values of the ajaxsearch on a TV? Basically I the results to be ordered by the TV(a date field TV) not by rabk.

I tried using the &order parameter but I get an error.
The date is displayed correctly in the output using the &tvPhx param.

The error I get is

« Execution of a query to the database failed - Unknown column 'researchPublicationDate' in 'order clause' »
      SQL: SELECT sc.id, sc.pagetitle, sc.longtitle, sc.description, sc.alias, sc.introtext, sc.template, sc.menutitle, sc.content, sc.publishedon, GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT CAST(ntv.id AS CHAR) SEPARATOR "," ) AS tv_id, GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT ntv.value SEPARATOR "," ) AS tv_value FROM `modx2_site_content` sc LEFT JOIN( SELECT DISTINCT tv.id, tv.value, tv.contentid FROM `modx2_site_tmplvar_contentvalues` tv ) AS ntv ON sc.id = ntv.contentid WHERE ((sc.id IN (404,405,406)) AND (sc.published=1) AND (sc.searchable=1) AND (sc.deleted=0) AND (sc.privateweb=0)) GROUP BY sc.id HAVING (((sc.pagetitle LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.longtitle LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.description LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.alias LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.introtext LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.menutitle LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.content LIKE '%entry%') OR (tv_value LIKE '%entry%'))) ORDER BY researchPublicationDate

I was hopping that AjaxSearch would build the query in a way that get the researchPublicationDate TV as a column.

Thank you]]>
cipa May 30, 2012, 04:09 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/76944/ajaxsearch-order-by-tv-error#dis-post-425299