<![CDATA[ Templating / Gallerffic problems - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=69908 <![CDATA[Re: Templating / Gallerffic problems]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/69908/templating-gallerffic-problems#dis-post-392093 I categorized gallerific as a slideshow.
See this example: http://virtudraft.com/labs/evo/e2g-test-page/slideshows/galleriffic-with-e2g.html]]>
goldsky Sep 02, 2011, 12:42 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/69908/templating-gallerffic-problems#dis-post-392093
<![CDATA[Templating / Gallerffic problems]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/69908/templating-gallerffic-problems#dis-post-391952 Is there any complete guide available describing how to set up the template to be like in gallerific, what settings to use, I can't find it anywhere, documentation on wiki is good maybe for reference for users that already know how to use it, but for the first time it is really confusing. I've got something like this so far,a nd I can't see any thumbnails:
[!easy2? &gid=`2` &w=`117` &h=`176` &resize_type=`resize` &colls=`3` &tpl=`gallery-di-tpl` &grid=`css` &slideshow=`galleriffic` &ss_config=`galleriffic-1` &ss_img_src=`original` &thumb_tpl=`thumb-di-tpl`!]

not sure about &slideshow and &ss_config settings, also how the tempaltes chunks should look like for this? how many do I need?

fanta00 Aug 31, 2011, 04:22 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/69908/templating-gallerffic-problems#dis-post-391952