<![CDATA[ A respeito do Breadcrumbs - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=57039 <![CDATA[Re: A respeito do Breadcrumbs]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/57039/a-respeito-do-breadcrumbs#dis-post-479129 danielmiguel Oct 01, 2013, 04:46 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/57039/a-respeito-do-breadcrumbs#dis-post-479129 <![CDATA[A respeito do Breadcrumbs]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/57039/a-respeito-do-breadcrumbs#dis-post-334493
Ele foi em : Index => Publicações => Videos => Futebol

Gostaria que INDEX, VIDEOS e FUTEBOL fossem link... mas PUBLICAÇÕES NAO SEJA LINK.

Como posso fazer isso com o breadCrumbs 1.0.1 huh

Segue abaixo o codigo pra quem nao conhece o BreadCrumbs

 * This snippet shows the path through the various levels of site structure. It
 * is NOT necessarily the path the user took to arrive at a given page.
 * Version: 1.0.1

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This section contains brief explanations of the available parameters.

/* General setup
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/* $maxCrumbs [ integer ]
 * Max number of elemetns to have in a breadcrumb path. The default 100 is an
 * arbitrarily high number that will essentially include everything. If you were
 * to set it to 2, and you were 5 levels deep, it would appear like:
 * HOME > ... > Level 3 > Level 4 > CURRENT PAGE
 * It should be noted that the "home" link, and the current page do not count as
 * they are managed by their own configuration settings.
( isset($maxCrumbs) ) ? $maxCrumbs : $maxCrumbs = 100;

/* $pathThruUnPub [ 1 | 0 ]
 * When your path includes an unpublished folder, setting this to 1 (true) will
 * show all documents in path EXCEPT the unpublished. When set to 0 (false), the
 * path will not go "through" that unpublished folder and will stop there.
( isset($pathThruUnPub) ) ? $pathThruUnPub : $pathThruUnPub = 0;

/* $respectHidemenu [ 0 | 1 ]
 * Setting this to 1 (true) will respect the hidemenu setting of the document
 * and not include it in trail.
( isset($respectHidemenu) ) ? (int)$respectHidemenu : $respectHidemenu = 1;

/* $showCurrentCrumb [ 1 | 0 ]
 * Include the current page at the end of the trail. On by default.
( isset($showCurrentCrumb) ) ? $showCurrentCrumb : $showCurrentCrumb = 1;

/* $currentAsLink [ 1 | 0 ]
 * If the current page is included, this parameter will show it as a link (1) or
 * just plain text (0).
( $currentAsLink ) ? $currentAsLink : $currentAsLink = 0;

/* $linkTextField [ string ]
 * Prioritized list of fields to use as link text. Options are: pagetitle,
 * longtitle, description, menutitle. The first of these fields that has a value
 * will be the title.
( isset($linkTextField) ) ? $linkTextField : $linkTextField = 'menutitle,pagetitle,longtitle';

/* $linkDescField [ string ]
 * Prioritized list of fields to use as link title text. Options are: pagetitle,
 * longtitle, description, menutitle. The first of these fields that has a value
 * will be the title.
( isset($linkDescField) ) ? $linkDescField : $linkDescField = 'description,longtitle,pagetitle,menutitle';

/* $showCrumbsAsLinks [ 1 | 0 ]
 * If for some reason you want breadcrumbs to be text and not links, set to 0
 * (false).
( isset($showCrumbsAsLinks) ) ? $showCrumbsAsLinks : $showCrumbsAsLinks = 1;

/* $templateSet [ string ]
 * The set of templates you'd like to use. (Templates are defined below.) It
 * will default to defaultString which replicates the output of previous
 * versions.
( isset($templateSet) ) ? $templateSet : $templateSet = 'defaultString';

/* $crumbGap [ string ]
 * String to be shown to represent gap if there are more crumbs in trail than
 * can be shown. Note: if you would like to use an image, the entire image tag
 * must be provided. When making a snippet call, you cannot use "=", so use "||"
 * instead and it will be converted for you.
( isset($crumbGap) ) ? $crumbGap : $crumbGap = '...';

/* $stylePrefix [ string ]
 * Breadcrumbs will add style classes to various parts of the trail. To avoid
 * class name conflicts, you can determine your own prefix. The following
 * classes will be attached:
 * crumbBox: Span that surrounds all crumb output
 * hideCrumb: Span that surrounds the "..." if there are more crumbs than will
 * be shown
 * currentCrumb: Span or A tag surrounding the current crumb
 * firstCrumb: Span that will be applied to first crumb, whether it is "home" or
 * not
 * lastCrumb: Span surrounding last crumb, whether it is the current page or
 * not
 * crumb: Class given to each A tag surrounding the intermediate crumbs (not
 * "home", "current", or "hide")
 * homeCrumb: Class given to the home crumb
( isset($stylePrefix) ) ? $stylePrefix : $stylePrefix = 'B_';

/* Home link parameters
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * The home link is unique. It is a link that can be placed at the head of the
 * breadcrumb trail, even if it is not truly in the hierarchy.

/* $showHomeCrumb [ 1 | 0 ]
 * This toggles the "home" crumb to be added to the beginning of your trail.
( isset($showHomeCrumb) ) ? $showHomeCrumb : $showHomeCrumb = 1;

/* $homeId [ integer ]
 * Usually the page designated as "site start" in MODx configuration is
 * considered the home page. But if you would like to use some other document,
 * you may explicitly define it.
( isset($homeId) ) ? (int)$homeId : $homeId = $modx->config['site_start'];

/* $homeCrumbTitle [ string ]
 * If you'd like to use something other than the menutitle (or pagetitle) for
 * the home link.
( isset($homeCrumbTitle) ) ? $homeCrumbTitle : $homeCrumbTitle = '';

/* $homeCrumbDescription [ string ]
 * If you'd like to use a custom description (link title) on the home link. If
 * left blank, the title will follow the title order set in $titleField.
( isset($homeCrumbDescription) ) ? $homeCrumbDescription : $homeCrumbDescription = '';

/* Custom behaviors
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * The following parameters will alter the behavior of the Breadcrumbs based on
 * the page it is on.

/* $showCrumbsAtHome [ 1 | 0 ]
 * You can turn off Breadcrumbs all together on the home page by setting this to
 * 1 (true);
( isset($showCrumbsAtHome) ) ? $showCrumbsAtHome : $showCrumbsAtHome = 0;

/* $hideOn [ string ]
 * Comma separated list of documents you don't want Breadcrumbs on at all. If
 * you have a LOT of pages like this, you might try $hideUnder or use another
 * template. This parameter is best for those rare odd balls - otherwise it will
 * become a pain to manage.
( isset($hideOn) ) ? $hideOn : $hideOn = '';

/* $hideUnder [ string ]
 * Comma separated list of parent documents, whose CHILDREN you don't want
 * Breadcrumbs to appear on at all. This enables you to hide Breadcrumbs on a
 * whole folders worth of documents by specifying the parent only. The PARENT
 * will not have Breadcrumbs hidden however. If you wanted to hide the parent
 * and the children, put the parent ID in hideUnder AND hideOn.
( isset($hideUnder) ) ? $hideUnder : $hideUnder = '';

/* $stopIds [ string ]
 * Comma separated list of document IDs that when reached, stops Breadcrumbs
 * from going any further. This is useful in situations like where you have
 * language branches, and you don't want the Breadcrumbs going past the "home"
 * of the language you're in.
( isset($stopIds) ) ? $stopIds : $stopIds = '';

/* $ignoreIds [ string ]
 * Comma separated list of document IDs to explicitly ignore.
( isset($ignoreIds) ) ? $ignoreids : '';

/* Templates
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * In an effort to keep the MODx chunks manager from getting mired down in lots
 * of templates, Breadcrumbs templates are included here. Two sets are provided
 * prefixed with defaultString, and defaultList. You can create as many more as
 * you like, each set with it's own prefix
$templates = array(
    'defaultString' => array(
        'crumb' => '[+crumb+]',
        'separator' => ' » ',
        'crumbContainer' => '<span class="[+crumbBoxClass+]">[+crumbs+]</span>',
        'lastCrumbWrapper' => '<span class="[+lastCrumbClass+]">[+lastCrumbSpanA+]</span>',
        'firstCrumbWrapper' => '<span class="[+firstCrumbClass+]">[+firstCrumbSpanA+]</span>'
    'defaultList' => array(
        'crumb' => '<li>[+crumb+]</li>',
        'separator' => '',
        'crumbContainer' => '<ul class="[+crumbBoxClass+]">[+crumbs+]</ul>',
        'lastCrumbWrapper' => '<span class="[+lastCrumbClass+]">[+lastCrumbSpanA+]</span>',
        'firstCrumbWrapper' => '<span class="[+firstCrumbClass+]">[+firstCrumbSpanA+]</span>'

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Return blank if necessary: on home page
if ( !$showCrumbsAtHome && $homeId == $modx->documentObject['id'] )
    return '';
// Return blank if necessary: specified pages
if ( $hideOn || $hideUnder )
    // Create array of hide pages
    $hideOn = str_replace(' ','',$hideOn);
    $hideOn = explode(',',$hideOn);

    // Get more hide pages based on parents if needed
    if ( $hideUnder )
        $hiddenKids = array();
        // Get child pages to hide
        $hideKidsQuery = $modx->db->select('id',$modx->getFullTableName("site_content"),"parent IN ($hideUnder)");
        while ( $hideKid = $modx->db->getRow($hideKidsQuery) )
            $hiddenKids[] = $hideKid['id'];
        // Merge with hideOn pages
        $hideOn = array_merge($hideOn,$hiddenKids);

    if ( in_array($modx->documentObject['id'],$hideOn) )
        return '';


// Initialize ------------------------------------------------------------------

// Put certain parameters in arrays
$stopIds = str_replace(' ','',$stopIds);
$stopIds = explode(',',$stopIds);
$linkTextField = str_replace(' ','',$linkTextField);
$linkTextField = explode(',',$linkTextField);
$linkDescField = str_replace(' ','',$linkDescField);
$linkDescField = explode(',',$linkDescField);
$ignoreIds = str_replace(' ','',$ignoreIds);
$ignoreIds = explode(',',$ignoreIds);

/* $crumbs
 * Crumb elements are: id, parent, pagetitle, longtitle, menutitle, description,
 * published, hidemenu
$crumbs = array();
$parent = $modx->documentObject['parent'];
$output = '';
$maxCrumbs += ($showCurrentCrumb) ? 1 : 0;

// Replace || in snippet parameters that accept them with =
$crumbGap = str_replace('||','=',$crumbGap);

// Curent crumb ----------------------------------------------------------------

// Decide if current page is to be a crumb
if ( $showCurrentCrumb )
    $crumbs[] = array(
        'id' => $modx->documentObject['id'],
        'parent' => $modx->documentObject['parent'],
        'pagetitle' => $modx->documentObject['pagetitle'],
        'longtitle' => $modx->documentObject['longtitle'],
        'menutitle' => $modx->documentObject['menutitle'],
        'description' => $modx->documentObject['description']);

// Intermediate crumbs ---------------------------------------------------------

// Iterate through parents till we hit root or a reason to stop
$loopSafety = 0;
while ( $parent && $loopSafety < 1000 )
    // Get next crumb
    $tempCrumb = $modx->getPageInfo($parent,0,"id,parent,pagetitle,longtitle,menutitle,description,published,hidemenu");

    // Check for include conditions & add to crumbs
    if (
        $tempCrumb['published'] &&
        ( !$tempCrumb['hidemenu'] || !$respectHidemenu ) &&
        // Add crumb
        $crumbs[] = array(
        'id' => $tempCrumb['id'],
        'parent' => $tempCrumb['parent'],
        'pagetitle' => $tempCrumb['pagetitle'],
        'longtitle' => $tempCrumb['longtitle'],
        'menutitle' => $tempCrumb['menutitle'],
        'description' => $tempCrumb['description']);

    // Check stop conditions
    if (
        in_array($tempCrumb['id'],$stopIds) ||  // Is one of the stop IDs
        !$tempCrumb['parent'] || // At root
        ( !$tempCrumb['published'] && !$pathThruUnPub ) // Unpublished
        // Halt making crumbs

    // Reset parent
    $parent = $tempCrumb['parent'];

    // Increment loop safety

// Home crumb ------------------------------------------------------------------

if ( $showHomeCrumb && $homeCrumb = $modx->getPageInfo($homeId,0,"id,parent,pagetitle,longtitle,menutitle,description,published,hidemenu") )
    $crumbs[] = array(
    'id' => $homeCrumb['id'],
    'parent' => $homeCrumb['parent'],
    'pagetitle' => $homeCrumb['pagetitle'],
    'longtitle' => $homeCrumb['longtitle'],
    'menutitle' => $homeCrumb['menutitle'],
    'description' => $homeCrumb['description']);

// Process each crumb ----------------------------------------------------------
$pretemplateCrumbs = array();

foreach ( $crumbs as $c )

    // Skip if we've exceeded our crumb limit but we're waiting to get to home
    if ( count($pretemplateCrumbs) > $maxCrumbs && $c['id'] != $homeId )

    $text = '';
    $title = '';
    $pretemplateCrumb = '';

    // Determine appropriate span/link text: home link specified
    if ( $c['id'] == $homeId && $homeCrumbTitle )
        $text = $homeCrumbTitle;
    // Determine appropriate span/link text: home link not specified
        for ($i = 0; !$text && $i < count($linkTextField); $i++)
            if ( $c[$linkTextField[$i]] )
                $text = $c[$linkTextField[$i]];

    // Determine link/span class(es)
    if ( $c['id'] == $homeId )
        $crumbClass = $stylePrefix.'homeCrumb';
    else if ( $modx->documentObject['id'] == $c['id'] )
        $crumbClass = $stylePrefix.'currentCrumb';
        $crumbClass = $stylePrefix.'crumb';

    // Make link  -- HERE --
    if (
        ( $c['id'] != $modx->documentObject['id'] && $showCrumbsAsLinks ) ||
        ( $c['id'] == $modx->documentObject['id'] && $currentAsLink )
        // Determine appropriate title for link: home link specified
        if ( $c['id'] == $homeId && $homeCrumbDescription )
            $title = htmlspecialchars($homeCrumbDescription);
        // Determine appropriate title for link: home link not specified
            for ($i = 0; !$title && $i < count($linkDescField); $i++)
                if ( $c[$linkDescField[$i]] )
                    $title = htmlspecialchars($c[$linkDescField[$i]]);

        $pretemplateCrumb .= '<a class="'.$crumbClass.'" href="'.$modx->makeUrl($c['id']).'" title="'.$title.'">'.$text.'</a>';
    // Make a span instead of a link
       $pretemplateCrumb .= '<span class="'.$crumbClass.'">'.$text.'</span>';

    // Add crumb to pretemplate crumb array
    $pretemplateCrumbs[] = $pretemplateCrumb;

    // If we have hit the crumb limit
    if ( count($pretemplateCrumbs) == $maxCrumbs )
        if ( count($crumbs) > ($maxCrumbs + (($showHomeCrumb) ? 1 : 0)) )
            // Add gap
            $pretemplateCrumbs[] = '<span class="'.$stylePrefix.'hideCrumb'.'">'.$crumbGap.'</span>';

        // Stop here if we're not looking for the home crumb
        if ( !$showHomeCrumb )

// Put in correct order for output
$pretemplateCrumbs = array_reverse($pretemplateCrumbs);

// Wrap first/last spans
$pretemplateCrumbs[0] = str_replace(
$pretemplateCrumbs[(count($pretemplateCrumbs)-1)] = str_replace(

// Insert crumbs into crumb template
$processedCrumbs = array();
foreach ( $pretemplateCrumbs as $pc )
    $processedCrumbs[] = str_replace('[+crumb+]',$pc,$templates[$templateSet]['crumb']);

// Combine crumbs together into one string with separator
$processedCrumbs = implode($templates[$templateSet]['separator'],$processedCrumbs);

// Put crumbs into crumb container template
$container = str_replace(

// Return crumbs
return $container;

Me ajudem por favor... Muito obrigado!
diegofss11 May 10, 2010, 03:21 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/57039/a-respeito-do-breadcrumbs#dis-post-334493