<![CDATA[ Support/Comments for Xinha - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=45648 <![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for Xinha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha?page=2#dis-post-264031 sottwell Sep 01, 2008, 11:24 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha?page=2#dis-post-264031 <![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for Xinha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264030
I was very happy with Xinha so I elected to use it exclusively on several new MODx installs.

Not knowing the cause, I found several functionalities in MODx not working.

It turns out MODx requires TinyMCE in order to perform certain functions (add manager users, etc.)

So I had to also install TinyMCE just for back-end admin functions.

Not too thrilled with that, mostly because now I have to install two editors that take lots of time to FTP up when I do a fresh install. But, I’m pleased that things are again working.

Found this out thanks to Greg Swaney at Nexcess.net my webhosting company - they took a fresh look at it when I was completely stuck.

I’m also bumping this thread to try to get some answers about the post immediately above this one. No thoughts/responses on this (the folder issue)?

s9consulting Sep 01, 2008, 10:18 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264030
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for Xinha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264029 /manager to the Base URL for images.

If I aim to add an image to a page, Xinha opens the upload window. If I press "browse," Xinha opens the FCKeditor to locate the image.

In the address bar this is what shows:


So its looking in the /manager/media directory instead of the assets/images directory, and I don’t know where I’m supposed to look to change this. It won’t navigate to any other folder.

Resource path and resource URL are set to http://www.mywebsite.net/assets/

File manager path is set to http://www.mywebsite.net/

I just located this bit of code in the Xinha plugin. Is this part of the problem or is this okay?

xinha_config = function()
				var config = new HTMLArea.Config();
				config.stripBaseHref = $strip_base_href;
				config.ManagerPath = "{$base_url}manager/media/browser/mcpuk/browser.html";
				config.ManagerConn = "{$base_url}manager/media/browser/mcpuk/connectors/php/connector.php";
				config.ServerPath = "{$base_url}";


				return config;

s9consulting Aug 07, 2008, 01:49 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264029
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for Xinha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264028 Quote from: netProphET at Aug 06, 2008, 03:50 AM

Did you check your Resource Path, Resource URL and File Manager Path settings in Tools > Configuration after moving the site?

Checked and all pointing to the right place,

coleh Aug 06, 2008, 05:48 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264028
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for Xinha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264027 Did you check your Resource Path, Resource URL and File Manager Path settings in Tools > Configuration after moving the site?
netProphET Aug 05, 2008, 10:50 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264027
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for Xinha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264026 Quote from: coleh at Aug 05, 2008, 10:17 AM

Been using Xinha as the RTE of choice for a site have been developing.
Have moved the site to its live server after developing locally and whilst Xinha is turning up in resource > manage resources > plugins, it is not coming up as an option for when editing a document or in Tools > Configuration > Editor to use

To update, I am also no longer able to access the TinyMCE editor.

coleh Aug 05, 2008, 06:43 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264026
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for Xinha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264025 Been using Xinha as the RTE of choice for a site have been developing.
Have moved the site to its live server after developing locally and whilst Xinha is turning up in resource > manage resources > plugins, it is not coming up as an option for when editing a document or in Tools > Configuration > Editor to use
Have tried reinstalling the plugin but with no success.
Any ideas?


MODx v0.9.6/rev 2767
PHP 5.1.4/Apache 2.2.2 (Windows)
MySQL 5.0.21]]>
coleh Aug 05, 2008, 05:17 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264025
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for Xinha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264024
It is doing one funny thing though.

It thinks the base url for everything (images, links) is .... /manager/

So, something in the configuration code needs to be changed.

Here’s a look:

 * Xinha - RichText Editor Plugin
 * Written By Jeff Whitfield - July 19, 2005
 * Version 0.3 Beta (November 16, 2005)
 * Based on Xinha revision 421

// No frontend interface provided
if (isset($forfrontend) || $modx->isFrontEnd()){

// getXinhaSettings function
if (!function_exists('getXinhaSettings')) {
	function getXinhaSettings() {
		global $_lang;
		global $use_editor;
		global $displayStyle;
		global $xinha_strip_base_url;
		global $xinha_plugins_selected;
		global $xinha_plugins_custom;
		global $xinha_use_stylist;
		global $xinha_editor_skin;

		// language settings
		$_lang['Xinha_settings'] = "Xinha Settings";
		$_lang['xinha_editor_skin_title'] = "Editor Skin:";
		$_lang["xinha_editor_skin_message"] = "Select the editor skin you wish to use.";
		$_lang['xinha_strip_base_url_title'] = "Strip base url:";
		$_lang["xinha_strip_base_url_message"] = "If you would like the editor to remove the base url from links and images, select 'Yes'. NOTE: This only seems to affect Xinha in Firefox and IE. If you intend to use the Resource Browser, or encounter problems with your links being changed, set this to 'No'. Example: If enabled, http://www.myserver.com/link.html will become link.html.";
		$_lang['xinha_stylist_plugin_title'] = "Stylist Plugin:";
		$_lang["xinha_stylist_plugin_message"] = "If you would like to use the Stylist plugin, select 'Yes'. NOTE: You must have a CSS path entered in the 'Path to CSS file' box for the Stylist plugin to work.";
		$_lang['xinha_plugins_title'] = "Xinha Plugins:";
		$_lang['xinha_plugins_message'] = "Select the plugins you wish to enable in the document editor. By default the FullScreen plugin is enabled.";
		$_lang['xinha_plugins_custom_title'] = "Custom Plugins:";
		$_lang['xinha_plugins_custom_message'] = "If you have added additional plugins to the Xinha plugins directory, enter the names of the plugins here separated by commas (Example: 'CharacterMap,ContextMenu,FullScreen,ListType,SuperClean').";

		$display = $use_editor==1 ? $displayStyle : 'none';
		// Editor Skin setting
		$xinha_editor_skin = !empty($xinha_editor_skin) ? $xinha_editor_skin : "xp-blue";
		$xinha_editor_skin_options = array("blue-look","blue-metallic","green-look","inditreuse","xp-blue","xp-green");
		$xinha_editor_skin_settings = "<select name=\"xinha_editor_skin\" id=\"xinha_editor_skin\">\n";
		foreach ($xinha_editor_skin_options as $skinopt) {
			$skinopt_sel = $xinha_editor_skin==$skinopt ? " selected" : "";
			$xinha_editor_skin_settings .= "<option value=\"".$skinopt."\"".$skinopt_sel.">".$skinopt."</option>\n";
		$xinha_editor_skin_settings .= "</select>\n";
		// Strip base url setting
		$xinha_strip_base_url_yes = $xinha_strip_base_url==1 ? "checked='checked'" : "";
		$xinha_strip_base_url_no = $xinha_strip_base_url==0 ? "checked='checked'" : "";

		// Stylist plugin setting
		$xinha_use_stylist_yes = $xinha_use_stylist==1 ? "checked='checked'" : "";
		$xinha_use_stylist_no = $xinha_use_stylist==0 ? "checked='checked'" : "";

		// Plugin settings:		
		// Create array of selected plugins
		$xinha_plugins_selected = !empty($xinha_plugins_selected) ? split(",",$xinha_plugins_selected) : "";
		// Set array for default, builtin plugins and sort alphabetically
		$xinha_plugins_default = array(
		// Create plugin settings output
		$pluginsCount = count($xinha_plugins_default);		
		$plugin_settings .= "<table>\n";
		$loopcount = 0;
		for($x=0; $x<$pluginsCount; $x++){
			$plugin_selected = is_array($xinha_plugins_selected)?(in_array($xinha_plugins_default[$x],$xinha_plugins_selected) ? "checked='checked'" : ""):"";
			$curplugin = "<td style=\"padding-right: 5px;\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"xinha_plugins_selected[]\" id=\"xinha_plugins_selected\" value=\"".$xinha_plugins_default[$x]."\" ".$plugin_selected."><label for=\"xinha_plugins_selected\">".$xinha_plugins_default[$x]."</label></td>\n";
			switch ($loopcount) {
			case 0:
				$plugin_settings .= "<tr>\n".$curplugin;
			case 3:
				$plugin_settings .= $curplugin."</tr>\n";
				$loopcount = 0;
				$plugin_settings .= $curplugin;
		$plugin_settings .= "</table>\n";
		// End plugin settings
		return <<<Xinha_HTML_Settings
		<script type="text/javascript">
		function xp_select(state) {
		  var all = document.getElementsByTagName( "INPUT" );
		    var l = all.length;
		  for ( var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
		    el = all[i];
		    type = el.type;
		    name = el.name;
		    if (type=="checkbox"&&name.indexOf('xinha_plugins_selected')==0) {
		      if (state=='all') {
		        el.checked = 1;
		      } else {
		        el.checked = 0;
		<table id='editorRow_Xinha' style="width:inherit;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> 
		  <tr class='row1' style="display: $display;"> 
            <td colspan="2" class="warning" style="color:#707070; background-color:#eeeeee"><h4>{$_lang["Xinha_settings"]}<h4></td> 
          <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td nowrap class="warning"><b>{$_lang["xinha_editor_skin_title"]}</b></td> 
          <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td width="200"> </td> 
            <td class='comment'>{$_lang["xinha_editor_skin_message"]}</td> 
		  <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td colspan="2"><div class='split'></div></td> 
          <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td nowrap class="warning"><b>{$_lang["xinha_strip_base_url_title"]}</b></td> 
	            <input onChange="documentDirty=true;" type="radio" name="xinha_strip_base_url" id="xinha_strip_base_url_yes" value="1" $xinha_strip_base_url_yes>
	            <label for="xinha_strip_base_url_yes">Yes</label><br />
	            <input onChange="documentDirty=true;" type="radio" name="xinha_strip_base_url" id="xinha_strip_base_url_no" value="0" $xinha_strip_base_url_no>
	            <label for="xinha_strip_base_url_no">No</label>
          <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td width="200"> </td> 
            <td class='comment'>{$_lang["xinha_strip_base_url_message"]}</td> 
		  <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td colspan="2"><div class='split'></div></td> 
          <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td nowrap class="warning"><b>{$_lang["xinha_stylist_plugin_title"]}</b></td> 
	            <input onChange="documentDirty=true;" type="radio" name="xinha_use_stylist" id="xinha_use_stylist_yes" value="1" $xinha_use_stylist_yes>
	            <label for="xinha_use_stylist_yes">Yes</label><br />
	            <input onChange="documentDirty=true;" type="radio" name="xinha_use_stylist" id="xinha_use_stylist_no" value="0" $xinha_use_stylist_no>
	            <label for="xinha_use_stylist_no">No</label>
          <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td width="200"> </td> 
            <td class='comment'>{$_lang["xinha_stylist_plugin_message"]}</td> 
		  <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td colspan="2"><div class='split'></div></td> 
          <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td nowrap class="warning"><b>{$_lang["xinha_plugins_title"]}</b></td> 
            <input name="xinha_plugins_selected[]" type="hidden" id="xinha_plugins_selected" value="novalue">
          <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td width="200"> </td> 
            <td><input type="button" onclick="javascript:xp_select('all')" value="Select All" /> <input type="button" onclick="javascript:xp_select('none')" value="Clear Selected"/></td> 
          <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td width="200"> </td> 
            <td class='comment'>{$_lang["xinha_plugins_message"]}</td> 
		  <tr class='row1' style="display: $display"> 
            <td colspan="2"><div class='split'></div></td> 
		  <tr class='row1' style="display:$display;"> 
			<td nowrap class="warning"><b>{$_lang["xinha_plugins_custom_title"]}</b></td> 
			<td><input onChange="documentDirty=true;" type='text' maxlength='65000' style="width: 300px;" name="xinha_plugins_custom" value="$xinha_plugins_custom" /> 
		  <tr class='row1' style="display: $display;"> 
			<td width="200"> </td> 
			<td class='comment'>{$_lang["xinha_plugins_custom_message"]}</td> 
		  <tr class='row1' style="display: $display;"> 
			<td colspan="2"><div class='split'></div></td> 

// getXinhaScript function
if (!function_exists('getXinhaScript')) {
	function getXinhaScript($elementList) {
		global $base_url;
		global $use_browser;
		global $editor_css_path;
		global $xinha_strip_base_url;
		global $xinha_use_stylist;
		global $xinha_editor_skin;
		global $xinha_plugins_selected;
		global $xinha_plugins_custom;
		$elementCount = count($elementList);		
		for($x=0; $x<$elementCount; $x++){
			  $XinhaInstances .= "'".$elementList[$x]."'";
			} else {
			  $XinhaInstances .= "'".$elementList[$x]."',";

		$xinha_editor_skin = !empty($xinha_editor_skin) ? $xinha_editor_skin : "xp-blue";
		$strip_base_href = $xinha_strip_base_url==1 ? "true" : "false";
		$modx_image_plugin = $use_browser==1 ? "xinha_plugins.push('ModxImage');" : "";
		$modx_link_plugin = $use_browser==1 ? "xinha_plugins.push('ModxLink');" : "";

		if($xinha_use_stylist==1 && !empty($editor_css_path)){
			$stylist_plugin_push = "xinha_plugins.push('Stylist');";
			$stylist_plugin_settings .= <<<STYLIST_PLUGIN
				if(typeof Stylist != 'undefined')
					config.pageStyle = "@import url({$editor_css_path});";
							id       : "stylist",
							tooltip  : "Toggle Stylist",
							image    : "media/xinha/plugins/Stylist/img/ed_style.gif",
							textMode : false,
							action   : function(editor) {
					config.toolbar[1].splice(1, 0, "separator");
					config.toolbar[1].splice(1, 0, "stylist");
					HTMLArea.prototype._toggleStylist = function(editor) {
						if (editor._stylistVisible == true) { 
							editor._stylistVisible = false;
						} else {
							editor._stylistVisible = true;
					HTMLArea.prototype._stylistVisible = true;
		//Push plugins
		$xinha_plugins = array();
			$xinha_plugins = split(",",$xinha_plugins_selected);
			$xinha_plugins_custom = split(",", $xinha_plugins_custom);
			$xinha_plugins = array_merge($xinha_plugins,$xinha_plugins_custom);

		$xinha_plugins = array_unique($xinha_plugins);
		foreach($xinha_plugins as $key=>$value){
			if($value != "novalue"){
				$xp_plugins .= "			xinha_plugins.push('".$value."');\n";

		$xinha_script = <<<XINHA_SCRIPT
		<script type="text/javascript">
			_editor_url  = "{$base_url}assets/plugins/xinha/"; 
			_editor_lang = "en"; 
			_editor_skin = "{$xinha_editor_skin}"; 
		<script type="text/javascript" src="{$base_url}assets/plugins/xinha/htmlarea.js"></script>
			xinha_editors = null;
			xinha_init    = null;
			xinha_config  = null;
			xinha_plugins = null;
			xinha_init =  function()
				xinha_plugins = xinha_plugins ? xinha_plugins :
				if(!HTMLArea.loadPlugins(xinha_plugins, xinha_init)) return;
				xinha_editors = xinha_editors ? xinha_editors :
				xinha_config = xinha_config ? xinha_config() : new HTMLArea.Config();
				xinha_config.height = '420px';
				xinha_config.width = '100%';
				xinha_editors = HTMLArea.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config, xinha_plugins);
			xinha_config = function()
				var config = new HTMLArea.Config();
				config.stripBaseHref = $strip_base_href;
				config.ManagerPath = "{$base_url}manager/media/browser/mcpuk/browser.html";
				config.ManagerConn = "{$base_url}manager/media/browser/mcpuk/connectors/php/connector.php";
				config.ServerPath = "{$base_url}";


				return config;
			// load the plugins	
			xinha_plugins = [ ];

			window.onload = xinha_init;
		<link type="text/css" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="{$xinha_editor_skin}" href="{$base_url}assets/plugins/xinha/skins/{$xinha_editor_skin}/skin.css" /> 
	return $xinha_script;

// Event Handlers

$e = &$modx->Event; 
switch ($e->name) { 
	case "OnRichTextEditorRegister":

	case "OnRichTextEditorInit":
		if($editor=="Xinha") {
			$html = getXinhaScript($elements);

	case "OnInterfaceSettingsRender":
		$html = getXinhaSettings();
   default :    
      return; // stop here - this is very important. 
s9consulting Jul 02, 2008, 02:56 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264024
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for Xinha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264023

I’m looking at switching, because TINYMCE is not letting me or my client change font colors.]]>
s9consulting Jul 02, 2008, 02:24 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264023
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for Xinha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264022 Previous threads about Xinha:
[plugin] Xinha
PaulGregory Jul 03, 2006, 04:50 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/45648/support-comments-for-xinha#dis-post-264022