<![CDATA[ Need Help with Weblogin and Captcha - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=44800 <![CDATA[Re: Need Help with Weblogin and Captcha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/44800/need-help-with-weblogin-and-captcha#dis-post-257695
# WebLogin 1.0
# Created By Raymond Irving 2004

defined(’IN_PARSER_MODE’) or die();

# load tpl
if(is_numeric($tpl)) $tpl = ($doc=$modx->getDocuments($tpl)) ? $doc[’content’]:"Document ’$tpl’ not found.";
else if($tpl) $tpl = ($chunk=$modx->getChunk($tpl)) ? $chunk:"Chunk ’$tpl’ not found.";
if(!$tpl) $tpl = getWebLogintpl($useCaptcha);

// verify form code
if($useCaptcha && $_SESSION[’veriword’]!=$formcode) {
$output = webLoginAlert("Incorrect form code. Please enter the correct code displayed by the image.").$tpl;

// extract declarations
$declare = webLoginExtractDeclarations($tpl);
$tpls = explode((isset($declare["separator"]) ? $declare["separator"]:"<!--tpl_separator-->"),$tpl);

// if(isset($_COOKIE[$cookieKey])) {
// $cookieSet = 1;
// $sitename = $_COOKIE[$cookieKey];
// $thepasswd = substr($site_id,-5)."crypto"; // create a password based on site id
// $rc4 = new rc4crypt;
// $thestring = $rc4->endecrypt($thepasswd,$sitename,’de’);
// $uid = $thestring;
// }else{
$uid = isset($_POST[’username’])? $modx->db->escape(htmlspecialchars($_POST[’username’], ENT_QUOTES)):’’;
// }


This is what I get when I try to login using the weblogin

If anyone can help me with this I would greatly appreciate it.]]>
nootkan Mar 04, 2011, 10:56 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/44800/need-help-with-weblogin-and-captcha#dis-post-257695
<![CDATA[Need Help with Weblogin and Captcha]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/44800/need-help-with-weblogin-and-captcha#dis-post-257694 <fieldset>
<h3>Your Login Details</h3>
<label for="username">User: <input type="text" name="username" id="username" tabindex="1" onkeypress="return webLoginEnter(document.loginfrm.password);" value="[+username+]" /></label>
<label for="password">Password: <input type="password" name="password" id="password" tabindex="2" onkeypress="return webLoginEnter(document.loginfrm.cmdweblogin);" value="" /></label>
<p>Enter the word/number combination shown in the image below.</p>
<p><a href="[+action+]"><img align="top" src="manager/includes/veriword.php" width="149" height="60" alt="If you have trouble reading the code, click on the code itself to generate a new random code." style="border: 1px solid #039" /></a></p>
<label>Form code:*
<input type="text" name="formcode" class="inputBox" size="20" /></label>

<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox_1" name="checkbox_1" tabindex="3" size="1" value="" [+checkbox+] onclick="webLoginCheckRemember()" /><label for="checkbox_1" class="checkbox">Remember me</label>
<input type="submit" value="[+logintext+]" name="cmdweblogin" class="button" />
<a href="#" onclick="webLoginShowForm(2);return false;" id="forgotpsswd">Forget Your Password?</a>

{{manager user}}
and placed the &useCaptcha=`1` inside of my snippet call like follows:
<div id="sidebarlogin">[!WebLogin? &tpl=`FormLogin` &loginhomeid=`[(site_start)]` &useCaptcha=`1`!]</div>
But it doesn’t seem to validate. You can view the site here: http://www.grstreamkeepers.com look at the lower right corner side bar and you’ll see the login with captcha. You can use tester with test123 to see what I mean.

I also tried copying the code (in red) from the WebSignup snippet and pasted into the WebLogin snippet but that doesn’t seem to work either:
WebLogin 1.1 Snippet Code
# Snippet customize settings
$liHomeId = isset($loginhomeid)? explode(",",$loginhomeid):array($modx->config[’login_home’],$modx->documentIdentifier);
$loHomeId = isset($logouthomeid)? $logouthomeid:$modx->documentIdentifier;
$pwdReqId = isset($pwdreqid)? $pwdreqid:0;
$pwdActId = isset($pwdactid)? $pwdactid:0;
$loginText = isset($logintext)? $logintext:’Login’;
$logoutText = isset($logouttext)? $logouttext:’Logout’;
$tpl = isset($tpl)? $tpl:"";
$useCaptcha = isset($useCaptcha)? $useCaptcha : $modx->config[’use_captcha’] ;
// Override captcha if no GD
if ($useCaptcha && !gd_info()) $useCaptcha = 0;

The login form seems to work fine with captcha disabled, however when I disable the captcha feature I get bombarded by bots trying to register with the registration page which uses the FormSignup chunk in conjunction with the WebSignup 1.1 snippet therefore I have to enable the captcha to avoid the bots.

Can anyone help me with this? Am I missing something?]]>
nootkan Mar 02, 2011, 11:48 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/44800/need-help-with-weblogin-and-captcha#dis-post-257694